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Sasha's Point Of View

"Hurry up and eat your breakfast!" I shouted out to Trevor who was in the other room of the suite. Meanwhile I'm putting the last finishing touches of makeup on my face. "We need to get there before Michael wakes up!"

Trevor walked in with a half eaten bagel in his hand. "It's 7:04. I'm pretty sure he's already up by now. Dude probably in the house just moonwalking and shit." He chuckled, making me laugh.

I had a great night of rest and was feeling so much more energized. I got up, ordered room service and got myself dolled up before it was time for us to go. I didn't know if I wanted to get one of Michael's bodyguards to come get me without Michael knowing or just take a taxi there. Trevor thought the taxi was a better idea because there was no way Michael's bodyguards would leave to come pick me up without them ruining the surprise.

Michael's Point Of View

"Good morning, beautiful." I walked in Elise's room with a tray of breakfast for her.

Her beautiful smile plastered across her face as she brought her focus from her phone to me. "Aww, did you cook for me?"

"Girl, I can't even recall the last time I stood in front of a stove, let alone cook." I said.

"Well, thank you for bringing me some breakfast. That's very sweet of you." She laughed.

"No problem." I smiled. "So... did you sleep well last night?"

"You mean this morning?" She smirked. "You know it was almost 4:00 in the morning when we fin—"

"I know, I know." I said. "I was just hoping you'd tell me that you slept like a baby after I... you know." I winked.

"Oh, of course papi. I've never slept better." She replied sexily.

Damn. This woman does something to me but I couldn't help but feel guilt about what happened between us. I cheated on Sasha again.

My feelings for Elise are so strong. It's not love but I feel like the more I spend time with her, I'll probably fall in love with her. Is it possible to be in love with two women? Maybe what I feel with Elise is just lust because it's true that I sometimes let my dick outthink my brain.

Our chemistry is amazing though. She gives back the same energy I give to her. Despite the enjoyment of the sex and our alone time together, I know that eventually it has to end. I really don't want to lose Sasha again.

But gee, the sex with Elise was mind blowing. I mean, she knows how to please a man and she knows almost every position possible. I want to say I regret it, but I'd be lying if I did.

I looked at the time on my watch and it was 7:30 a.m. "Hey, what do you want to do today?" I asked Elise as she ate her food.

"I don't know. I was thinking maybe we'd stay in bed and watch some shows on Netflix."

"Uh, as much as I'd like to do that with you all day, I'd rather spend my day off doing something more productive or fun." I replied.

"Let's go check out some museums then. I heard there's some really cool ones out here." She said before taking a sip of her orange juice.

"We can do that." I said, making my way out of the room. "Get ready so we can head out."

"Wait," she stopped me. I turned and looked at her. "so, won't it be bad to be seen out and about with a woman that's not your girlfriend?"

I scoffed at her naivety. "I have a huge entourage around me everywhere I go. You'll just blend in. It's not like we're going to be holding hands or anything." I said. "You could be an assistant for all they know. It'll be fine so don't worry about it."

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