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Michael's Point Of View

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Dean?" I adjusted my Afro disguise wig in the side mirror of my car. "What if I get recognized?"

"I highly doubt that, boss." Dean said. "But honestly, I'm still confused as to why you'd need a disguise for a celebrity filled party."

"I couldn't care less about anyone in there, Dean." I scoffed. "I'm doing this for Sasha. With everything that happened between us, I can't really be Michael Jackson right now. The whole place would go crazy and there'd be stories about us spotted in the same building by tomorrow morning."

"You got a point," Dean sighed, "but what if security—"

"I've already handled all of that. My alias is already on the list." I finished retouching up my disguise and made my way to the side entrance of the building.

Coming here to this event in disguise, just so I can get Sasha to talk to me, was definitely a huge risk and by far the most stalk-ish thing I've done.
No matter how weird or risky it may be, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the love of my life.

Her not responding to any of my messages, letters and the tons of gifts I've sent her, has broken me deeply. If I were to begin to explain the amount of regret I have for that night I had with Elise, it would be forever and a day before you'd hear the end of it.
I want—no, I need Sasha to know that I am sorry and that I've recognized and have taken full responsibility for my wrongs. Hurting her was something that should've been far from my actions.

You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you're on the brinks of making a fool out of yourself? Well, need I say more?

After getting past security, I weaved my way through the crowd. The place was dimly lit but with enough lighting to see everyone's face pretty well.
Dean kept his distance as I roamed freely. The stench of alcohol fused in with sweat and marijuana smoke filled the entire place. The atmosphere felt relaxed though. Everyone seemingly living for the moment as they danced and sang freely as if no problems existed in the world. At least inside these four walls they didn't.

"Woooo! . . ." I looked off to the middle of the ballroom and spot a large crowd cheering and dancing. They seemed to be having more fun than everyone else. Either that or they were two times more drunk than everybody else in the building.

As my eyes scanned the crowd, spotting a few celebrity friends I know very well, one individual grabbed my attention. "Is that—" I squinted my eyes to get a clearer view(Ironically). "Kennedy. That's Kennedy." I said to myself, smiling from cheek to cheek.

I leaned against a nearby wall and scoped out the crowd as they moved around. Then finally, my heart fluttered the instant my eyes fell upon the most beautiful face. Sasha. She danced and laughed with Trevor at her side. She seemed so joyous and carefree—glowing like I've never seen despite of the minimal light around her.

My gaze stayed glued to her. Admiring her every move. God, was she perfect.

Sasha's Point Of View

We danced our butts off for what seemed like an hour or so. That's the most fun I've had in a while and I honestly needed this more than anything. Cleared my mind of all the bullshit I've been having to deal with.

"Are you ready to go yet?" Kennedy asked as we sat back down in our booth.

"I think so," I took a sip of water.

"Good, cause I'm exhausted and I need to get home to my hubby."

"True that." I chuckled.

"Ok, stay here and relax. I'm gonna go look for Trev." 

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