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Michael's Point Of View

"You look beautiful," I took a glance at her and smiled as I drove down Sunset Boulevard.

"You're making me blush when I really shouldn't be right now," she placed her hands on her cheeks, trying to suppress her smile.

"Why shouldn't you be blushing?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"You know. . ."

"I know what?" I glanced at her. "The only thing I know is that I have this opportunity to have a fresh start with someone I truly love and I wouldn't want to bring up any negative feelings from the past to ruin that."

"Very smooth," she smiled.

We spent the thirty-six minute ride just talking about random things and how my trip to Dubai was. It was so refreshing to have a good conversation with her, one we haven't had in the longest time.

When we finally arrived, she was taken aback that I took her somewhere that wasn't all glitz and glamour. This place was a low key, kickback spot in the middle of LA but one of the best Mexican restaurants in all of California.

"It smells amazing in here," she salivated as we entered through the back of the restaurant and walked through the kitchen."

"Wait till you taste the food," I smiled. "It's even better than it smells."

"Mr. Jackson, you're here!" Hector, the restaurant's owner, hollered once he laid eyes on me. "This must be the gorgeous lady in your life," he smiled at Sasha, extending a hand to her. "Nice to finally meet you ma'am. Congratulations to the both of you."

"Thank you," she shook his hand and smiled.

"C'mon," he led us out of the kitchen and into the dimly lit restaurant. "I have the perfect spot for you guys. Lots of privacy where you can enjoy each other's company without being bothered but not secluded to where you can't enjoy the atmosphere with everyone else."

He walked us to an area that was perfect for Sasha and I.

"This is really nice," Sasha marveled as we sat in the booth. "How come you never took me here? We both love Mexican food."

"Well, actually this is my first time being physically inside this restaurant," I smiled and she gave me a confused look. "I've known Hector for years by way of Diana and when I—"


"Yes," I nodded. "She introduced him to me when he was catering a party she threw. Mind you, I've always loved Mexican food and when I found out he cooked everything I ate that night, I just had to get in contact with him. Long story short, I found out he had a restaurant and ever since then, whenever I'm craving Mexican food, I call him up and he cooks my meals and I have Dean pick it up from him."

"Oh wow," she said, "so I'm guessing the reason you've never came in here was because of the fear of being swarmed by fans?"

"You could say that," I chuckled.

"Well, it's pretty laid back," Sasha smiled, looking around the restaurant. "Everyone seems to be minding their own business."

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