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Sasha's Point Of View

It's been almost three weeks and Michael was still over in China shooting his short film. Since he's been over there, he's made sure to call or FaceTime me every single day.

Today, however, I didn't get a call from him and it's pushing towards 10:00pm.

"Hey, Trev," I walked in the living room where my brother was playing his PS4, "did you get any messages from Michael?"

"Uh. . .no I didn't." He glanced over at me. "Should I have?"

"No, it's just I haven't heard from him at all today and he's not texting me back or returning my calls."

"That's weird." Trevor paused his game and went through his phone. "I know you guys talk everyday. . .right?"

"Every single day." I sighed, attempting to call his manager again for the fiftieth time. "I just really hope he's ok."

"He's probably fucking with some new bitch over there." Trevor shrugged his shoulders and continued his game.

"Really, Trevor?" I rolled my eyes. "I thought you backed off him a little."

"I did but that doesn't mean I'm not telling the truth."

I rubbed my temples and sat down.

Maybe he's been extremely busy at trying to wrap up the short film. I know how much of a perfectionist Michael is and if something is past due, he won't let anything come in his way to distract him from completing the task.

After thirty minutes of sitting on the couch, trying my hardest to get in contact with Michael, I get an unexpected visit from my whole squad. Lauren and her boyfriend, Kennedy and her husband, David and Shad.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I smiled as everyone greeted me with hugs and kisses.

"We're here to help you pack." Lauren said as her and Kennedy pulled me upstairs.

I grimaced, wondering what she could possibly be talking about. They pulled me into my bedroom and Kennedy dug out my Louis Vuitton suitcase from my closet, tossing it on the bed. "Why are you guys not answering? What am I packing for?"

"We're going on vacation." Kennedy said, throwing some of my lingerie inside of the suitcase. "Ooooh these are mad cute, Sa—"

"Vacation?" I chuckled. "Seriously, what's going on?"

Lauren turned to me with a huge smile on her face. "Girl. . .we're getting on a private jet tonight and heading to Shanghai!!"

I stood there with a clueless expression on my face while Lauren held on to her pregnant belly and jumped for joy. Kennedy on the other hand was just throwing random shit in the suitcase with a big ass grin on her face.

"Why the fuck are we going to Shanghai?" I was confused. "Of all places to vaca—" My dumb ass then realizes that Shanghai is in China and Michael is over there. "Wait, have you guys spoken to Michael? Is he ok? Did he—"

"Sshhh," Lauren calmed me, "Michael is fine, sis. There's a reason why you haven't heard from him but you'll see him when we get over there."

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