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Narrator's Point Of View

Meanwhile, a few miles away from Michael's home is an old office building where Andre and his men have their meetings.

"Sorry, I'm late." Andre walked through the doors, greeting Owen and Eli. "What's the emergency that I had to come all the way over here?"

"Woah, relax. . ." Owen laughed. "You're not going to tell us about your little trip to China? How was it?"

"You know,  you've been really pushing it lately. I don't know what your fucking deal is, but I'm gonna need you to respect me as your fucking boss." Andre said. "Now tell me what it is you called me here for."

Owen kept his cool and just shook his head. "Anyway, we called you to give you a quick run on how the mission went down at Jacko's house the other day."

"Ok," Andre sat down and crossed his legs. "I hope you guys did exactly what I told you to do."

"Oh, we did." Eli snorted. "And better."

Owen laughed along with Eli, causing Andre to look at them confused.

"You won't believe what Eli found while going through Michael's office." Owen sneered. He motioned for Eli to hand him something and Eli reached into his jacket pocket, handing him a medium sized black box. "We're set for life with this shit right here, dude." Owen kissed the box and raised it in the air.

Andre's heart began to race. He furrowed his brow as he slowly got up from his chair. "What the fuck did you guys. . . What the fuck is that?" He pointed to the box in Owen's hand.

"This here is our future, boss." Owen couldn't stop smiling. "That's what the fuck this is." Owen opened the box and revealed one of the most beautiful and expensive diamond rings on the planet. Andre's heart sunk to the floor as Owen admired the ring with his black gloved hand. "The one and only Blue Winston Diamond. . ." Owen rejoiced.

Andre's mouth hung open and words couldn't escape it. He took the ring from Owen's grip and held it up to the light. Suddenly he felt a rush of rage take over him. "You stupid sons of bitches. . ." He gritted.

Both Owen and Eli's smiles faded into frowns.

"Excuse me?" Owen slightly chuckled.

Andre's eyes were red like fire. "Didn't I tell you not to touch anything?" He yelled. "Are you guys fucking mentally challenged? I swear I should fucking kill both of you right now!"

"Boss, this is a twenty to twenty-five million dollar ring." Eli was now trembling. "I couldn't just—"

"You couldn't just what?" Andre stepped to Eli's face. "You couldn't just do your fucking job and leave? I told you NOT to touch or remove anything unless I told you to!"

"Don't you realize what this ring can do for us?" Owen spat. "That ring says "fuck you, Jermaine Jackson" all over it! With this diamond split between us, we could kick his greasy rubber headed ass to the curb and just work for ourselves!"

 "That ring says "fuck you, Jermaine Jackson" all over it! With this diamond split between us, we could kick his greasy rubber headed ass to the curb and just work for ourselves!"

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