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Michael's Point Of View

Later on that evening, Elise and I left Sasha's house with the twins and went back to my place. Before I left, I made sure to tell Sasha that she had nothing to worry about regarding me and Elise. It's strictly about the kids.

Even though Sasha kept telling me how much she didn't care about me going to my place with Elise, I knew deep down she did.

The only reason why I brought Elise to my place with the twins is because Mother and Joseph wanted to meet them. I don't feel safe bringing them over to Hayvenhurst just yet so I told my family they could come to my house to see them.

And they did exactly that.

I watched as my Mother, Joseph, Jackie, Marlon, LaToya, and Janet gush over the twins.

I haven't seen Mother this happy in a very long time.

Everyone was having a good time and enjoying the twins in the living room but I noticed Elise sitting by her lonesome in the kitchen. She was secluded away from the rest of us and seemed deep in her thoughts.

I left my family in the living room and went over to her.

"Everything alright?" I stuffed my hands in my pockets and walked around the counter to stand next to her. "I didn't even notice you weren't out there."

She chuckled, "yeah, everything's fine. It's just been a very eventful day."

"You don't look as happy as you were earlier today. If you're feeling uncomfortable—"

"I'm fine, Michael," she smiled but I could tell there was pain behind it. "I'm just very tired."

"You could go rest in one of the guest rooms upstairs if you want."

"I don't know. . ." She tucked some hair behind her ear.

"It's fine," I said, gently. "You need your rest. I can hold it down with the twins."

As soon as I said this, we heard one of the twins burst into tears in the living room.

"It's time to feed them again," Elise smiled. "I'm sure that's the hungry cry."

Elise and I went over to the living room and grabbed the twins so they could get fed. Everyone was getting ready to leave anyway, so the timing was perfect.

We went upstairs with the twins while everyone was leaving and went into one of the guest rooms.

"I need to buy a breast pump," Elise said as she sat on the loveseat, holding baby Gio. "It'll be easier for me."

"I'll have one purchased and sent here for you." I rocked Gia in my arms as I watched Elise pull out her breast to feed Gio. For some reason my eyes automatically squeezed shut and I turned around. "Should I give you some privacy?"

All I heard was her scoff and chuckle. "Michael, turn around. Please don't act as though you've never seen my breast before. I'm breastfeeding our babies. It's not that deep."

"You sure?" I felt the need to validate.

"Turn around and let me get Gia."

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