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Lauren's Point Of View

"You need to tell Michael about the ring!" Trevor whispered, aggressively. "Tell him all about Dre getting it back and leaving it for you to give it back to him but your dumbass ended up losing that shit!"

"Sshh!" I pulled him off to the side. "Just calm the fuck down. I'll tell him. . .when I find it."

"No, tell him now before I do it for you!"

"Trevor," I gave him my final warning, glaring at him angrily.

"Fine, but if he finds out that you had his shit and didn't tell—"

"If who finds out about what?" Trevor and I both jumped, turning around to find Michael standing there looking at us. "Why are you guys in the corner? Come mingle with everyone."

"We're coming, Mike," Trevor eyeballed me. "Just telling this duck how she needs to tell you that she found—"

"Found out. . ." I pinched Trevor as hard as I could, smiling as I walked towards Michael. "I found out that. . .that I lost two pounds this week." I internally facepalmed, instantly regretting that I just said something so stupid.

I can't lie for shit.

Michael looked at me confused, creating an awkward stare off between us. "You're telling me that you two were in the corner whispering about how you're going to tell me that you lost two pounds?"

"Uh, huh. . ." I nodded, my face in a frozen smiling position.

"I ain't helping you out of this one." Trevor muttered under his breath, brushing past me.

"You know you're such a horrible liar right?" Michael  laughed. "Your acting skills are tragic. What is it that you really need to tell me? You don't have to hide any—"

"Michael, dear," Katherine came in interrupting the conversation, "have you—oh, Lauren, I was looking for you. Is Sasha not coming? Dinner will be starting soon.

"She actually should've been here like an hour ago," I grabbed my phone to call her. I was relieved to find a  way out of that awkward conversation with Michael.

That was a close one.

There was no way I could've stood there and told Michael that I found his twenty-four million dollar ring but my dumb ass decided to put it in Raelynn's diaper bag and ended up losing it.

Imagine how he'd look at my stupid ass.

Shad, Trevor and I have ransacked the house, looking high and low for it. Couldn't find it anywhere. I could just imagine dropping it in some public restroom while I changed Raelynn and some random person finds it.

Twenty-four fucking million dollars.

Just thinking about it makes me nauseous.

Michael's Point Of View

I shook my head as I watched Lauren walk away to call Sasha.

I know she's probably thinking that she got away from the conversation but I'm certain I'm going to get to the bottom of what she really needs to tell me.

"Are you and Sasha still not speaking?" Mother looked up at me with her weary eyes.

"No, mother," I shook my head, "I've tried reaching out to her several times but she isn't budging at all."

Her face turned into a frown as she looked deeper into my eyes. "Michael, what did you do to make her not want to speak to you? There's no need to keep secrets from me."

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