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"If I knew you were taking me to a restaurant this far, I'd stay my ass home and eat my sandwich you disrespected," I pouted as he helped me out of the car.

"Relax," Michael laughed, "it was only forty-two minutes. It could've been worse."

I narrowed my eyes at him and just shook my head. "I should've grabbed a coat," I said, rubbing my arms to create a little warmth. "I forgot how cold the valley can get this time of year." Before I could even finish my sentence, Michael wrapped his jacket around me. "Thank you, Michael," I smiled.

"Anything for you," he grabbed my hand and kissed it as we walked. "Now, I'm going to need you to do me a favor. Can you do that for me?"

"Depending on what it is. . ." I raised a brow.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a sleeping mask. "I want you to put this on for me and I'm going to guide you."

"What's this all about?" I gave him a side eye.

"Just trust me, Sash," he chuckled, handing me the silk sleeping mask.

I squinted my eyes and just stared at him. What kind of funny business was this man up to?

I grabbed the mask and began adjusting it to put it on. "All I wanted to do was make my sandwich and continue watching my shows before going to sleep," I mumbled, "but no, you wanna do the most. Aren't we going to a restaurant to eat? Why do I have to be blindfolded?"

Michael just laughed and started leading me to wherever he was taking me.

It felt as though we walked several blocks but it was mostly because I was giving Michael a hard time. Even though he was leading me the whole way, I was afraid that somehow I'd bump into something or someone.

When I heard him open the door to wherever he brought me, I didn't hear a single sound. "Are you surprising me with another intimate dinner?" I smiled.

"Something better," he let go of my hand. "Take the mask off."

I slowly lifted the mask and as soon as I opened my eyes, my heart nearly stopped.

"SURPRISE!" The place erupted with clapping, laughing and cheering.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

I mean, everybody was here.

"Welcome to your baby shower, beautiful," Michael whispered in my ear.

Everything and everyone was so beautiful. All of mine and Michael's closest friends and family were here. Even all of my students were here.

I took my time to greet every single person and thank them for the surprise before being shown to my seat which was a literal throne.

"This must be the reason why your ass didn't text me back when I asked you to come over," I playfully shoved Kennedy.

"Well, duh," she laughed, "I was here helping your knuckle head baby daddy set all of this up."

"You're forgiven," I laughed. "I love you so much, best friend."

"Mmhm, I love you too. Now let's get this party started for my god baby."

The night started off so great. Everyone mingled with one another, dancing and singing and just having the time of their lives. Michael's management had everyone turn their phones in so that no photos or videos would leak to the press and I'm sure that contributed a lot to everyone having a blast.

While I ate some food, I got to sit back and admire all that was around me. The whole setting was breathtaking and everything I could've ever asked for. I took my time and watched Michael play with his twins and it made my heart so happy that I was having a child with that man.

After a while of partying and socializing with everyone, it was time to open all of my gifts. Kennedy and Lauren managed to get everyone to bring only gender neutral gifts. I couldn't help myself from shedding a few tears from all the overwhelming love and gifts I and my baby received. Janet went all out for the baby and actually made me feel guilty that I was taking all of these expensive gifts.

"Janet is coming for that godmother title," I joked with Kennedy, "I might have to give it to her."

"Bitch, I see that too," Kennedy laughed. "I thought I bought a lot of shit but damn you're gonna need to rent a storage unit for all of this. At this point, I wanna be Janet's godchild."

Even each of my students bought me something.

I honestly couldn't remember the last time I was this happy.

Once all the gifts were opened, I stood and thanked everyone through a small emotional speech.

It felt good to be shown all of this love.

Right after I sat down, Lauren took the floor. "Alright, y'all, before we wrap up the night, we have the other surprise I think everyone here been waiting for. . ."

"Hell yeah, I need to know if I'm having a niece or a nephew!" Shad blurted out, making everyone laugh.

"That's right, Sash," Lauren chuckled. "You and Michael are about to find out if you're having a boy or a girl."

Everyone, including me, started cheering. I was so excited.

Seconds later, Lauren gave a nod to someone in the back and all the lights went out, leaving just the night sky and the lights from the city illuminating the inside of the glass building.

As I'm admiring the beautiful stars above us, Michael snuck his way next to me and slipped his hand into mine. "No matter what gender is revealed tonight, just know that all that matters to me is being the best father to our child."

Before I could say anything, Lauren and Trevor started off a countdown.

"5. . .4. . .3. . .2. . .1"

Unexpectedly, I'm startled by a loud hissing sound that ended in a loud pop. I looked up and was completely blown away.

Fireworks lit up and decorated the night sky as everyone cheered.

The dark sky was now lit up with hundreds of blue fireworks going off.

We were having a baby boy.

Everyone was cheering and enjoying the fireworks when Michael turned to me. I swear in that moment when our eyes locked, everyone in the world disappeared and it was just me and him under the stars and fireworks.

The blue tint casted on his face so perfectly. He just looked absolutely beautiful. "I told you it was a boy," he smiled.

"How'd you know?"

"I felt it in my heart," he raised his hand to my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb. "Just like I feel deep down in my heart that I'm going to be spending the rest of my days on this earth with you. I'm so in love with you, Sasha Campbell."

"Michael, I'm—"

"Congratulations you guys!" I'm jolted out of my moment with Michael when Lauren and almost everyone else comes over to hug and congratulate us.

This was definitely a night to remember.

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