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Andre's Point Of View

I stand outside of the hospital, letting the warm California breeze hit my skin as I try to conceal the overflowing tears that are falling from my eyes. I take one last pull of my cigarette and let out a huge puff of smoke into the air before tossing the half smoked cancer stick into some nearby bushes.

Somehow the sounds of the birds singing in the trees and the smell of nicotine lingering in the air, served as a small comfort to me.

Man, I fucked up.

Plain and simple. I fucked up.

How could I have thought that telling my pregnant girlfriend, who's pregnancy is already high-risk, that I betrayed her and her family in such a horrible way? 

After I told her what was going on, she completely passed out and just wouldn't wake up. It made a huge scene at the restaurant causing a few people to call 911. Once the paramedics arrived, they immediately began to work on her. Her pulse was extremely weak and her blood pressure had skyrocketed to dangerous levels where she was at risk of having a stroke or possibly die. They rushed her to this hospital and we've been here since.

Though she's conscious now, her blood pressure still keeps rising really high and for that reason, she has to undergo an emergency c-section to save her and the baby's life.

As I'm taking a few more seconds to compose myself outside, Shad and Trevor come out the doors. Shad seemed calm but Trevor was coming at me with heat.

"Yo, why is Lauren crying and saying she never wants to see you again?" Trevor stormed up to me with his finger pointed at my chest. "The fuck did you do to my sister last night, nigga!?"

"Bro. . ." The tears started to flow again and I couldn't seem to get the words I needed to say, to come out of my mouth.

Trevor sized me up and down, his jaw clenching and his brow twitching from all this anger. "Bro, you better start talking cause I swear. . ." Shad tried calming him down but he wasn't listening. "She won't stop crying in there and she keeps repeating how much she fucking hates you. Her blood pressure keeps rising and it's putting her life and my niece's life at risk and you're the fucking reason for it! You got ten seconds to tell me what the fuck you did! You better start talking, bruh!"

"Alright, alright." I cried. "Just. . .just let me explain in somewhere private."

Sasha's Point Of View

I was suggested by the doctors to leave Lauren's room for a little bit just so they could calm her down a little and try to bring some control to her blood pressure.

I was hurting and scared for her all at the same time.

Once Lauren came out of her unconscious state, she immediately just started crying and rambling when she saw Andre. That was a huge red flag for me and I needed to get to the bottom of it.

As I walked down the hall in search of Andre, a man with a baseball cap and a weird looking mustache came rushing my way. Right off the bat (no pun intended) I knew it was Michael.

Once he got to me, he wrapped me in his arms and hugged me tight. His warm touch and the smell of his cologne just made me feel like I was in heaven for  those brief few seconds that I was in his embrace. "Where is she?" His eyes were full of concern.

"She's in that last room down the hall."  I pointed. "The doctors are trying to do something about her blood pressure before they take her to the O.R."

"When can I see her?"

"I don't know, honestly." I sighed. "They're trying to sedate her with some meds that will hopefully bring her blood pressure down."

We stood silent for a few awkward seconds before he finally said something again. "How are you feeling? Did you eat anything?"

"Well, besides being extremely stressed about all this, I'm alright." I nodded. "And yes, I had a bagel this morning."

"The stress isn't good for you." He frowned, worried. "There's these breathing techniques Dr. Larsen taught Elise this morning that I think would really help relieve your stress and would be good for the baby as well."

I scrunched my brows and blinked twice. "Elise? She's back in LA?"

"Uh, yeah. . .well, she came back a couple days ago but she's on her way back to the D.R as we speak." He swallowed, nervously fidgeting with his phone.

"That's interesting." I gave him a sly look. "Makes sense why I couldn't reach you last night."

His big brown eyes were wide and he became tensed. "I swear I didn't have sex with her last—"

I raised my hand, "I didn't say you had sex with her. No need to defend yourself." I chuckled. "But thank you for admitting to being with her last night and ignoring my calls." I started to walk away but he grabbed me.

"Sash, seriously," he pulled me closer to him, "I did nothing with her last night. Nothing. I'm serious." He was so close, I could smell his peppermint breath. "She had an appointment with Dr. Larsen and I promised I would go with her. I'm serious."

"Look, I don't really care. And you know," I smiled and got closer to his face, "it's kind of impossible to take you seriously with that horrible mustache above your lip." I whispered.

"Haha, very funny." He said, sarcastically as he walked along side me.

"How was the appointment?"

"I thought you didn't care?" He smirked. I looked at him and rolled my eyes, causing him to smile wider. "It was good. It was really good, actually."

I raised my brow. "And what does really good mean?"

He kept his head down but I could see he was beaming with joy. He was grinning so hard, his mustache detached a little.

I stopped walking and turned to face him. "What is it?" I smiled at how cute and silly he looked. I love how excited he is to be a father. "You got to see your baby again?"

"I got to see them both." He beamed.

"Huh?" I chuckled.

"She's carrying twins!" He almost jumped up from all his excitement.

I stood there with my smile gradually fading into a frown.

Did he just say twins?

I don't know why those words he just said make my heart sink to the pits of my stomach. "Are you serious?" I tried my best to seem excited for him but deep down inside I was hurting.

"Yeah, it's crazy how Dr. Larsen discovered—"

We're startled by this loud thud and someone yelling. It sounded exactly like Trevor. It was coming from our private waiting room.

Michael and I grimaced at each other in confusion then seconds later another thud.


My eyes bulge out of my head and both Michael and I dart towards the commotion.

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