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Sasha's Point Of View

It's been two months since Andre's murder and to everyone's surprise, Lauren has been coping pretty well. It's either she's really actually moving on or she's playing an act and suppressing all of her feelings, which could really be detrimental down the line.

I, on the other hand, have not yet been able to wrap my mind around everything that's happened. It just baffles me that Michael's own brother, his blood, hates him to the extent that he was going to murder him. I just can't understand it.
Michael has not one fiber of hate in his body and he'd go to hell and back for people he doesn't even know, not to mention his own family.

Thankfully, Jermaine was charged with over twenty counts of various federal crimes including capital murder, attempted murder and conspiracy to commit fraud. He will never see the light of day outside of those prison walls again and I could never be happier.

Ever since Shad witnessed the murder-suicide outside of the hospital, he's been going to therapy four days out of the week. He's just never been the same. Michael had even sent him to one of the top rehab facilities in Dubai but Shad kept on having night terrors and just didn't want to stay over there.
Though he's more secluded and doesn't talk as much, he's getting better as each day goes by.

Today, Lauren gets to finally bring her beautiful baby girl home from the hospital and in support of her big day today, Michael's mom offered for us to have a welcome home party for her at Hayvenhurst. Ms. Katherine found out that Lauren had refused to step foot back into her house since Andre passed and  she called her to tell her how sorry she was for the pain her own son caused. She then told her that she would be there for her and the baby if she ever needed anything.

I thought that was very sweet of her.

"You excited to get your baby girl, Ren?" I glanced over at her as I pulled into the hospital's parking lot. She seemed very distant in her thoughts, just staring out the window looking sad. "Lauren," I tried to get her attention, "you ok?" She turned her head and looked at me, her eyes sad with tears ready to overflow. "Aww, Lauren," I leaned over and wrapped her in my arms as she completely broke down and sobbed, "babe, I know this is hard for you but you gotta know that we all got you." I caressed her head. "Everything will be alright. We got you."

She cried on my shoulder for about ten minutes before we went inside the hospital.


Michael's Point Of View

"Michael, can you tie these over there?" Janet handed me a whole bunch of pink and gold balloons. "We gotta hurry up cause I think they'll be here in a few minutes."

I thought it was very sweet when Mother suggested we held a welcome home party for Lauren's baby but I was a little nervous that maybe Lauren wouldn't want to come or would feel uncomfortable to be here at Hayvenhurst since all the crazy Jermaine stuff and the death of Andre. Thankfully, she said she was okay with it.

With that whole situation, I've never really knew to what depths Jermaine's hatred was for me until everything Andre said. And the fact that he put a hit on Andre while behind bars, baffles me completely. I never knew he was that much of a delusional sociopath.

Literally after Andre's funeral, I fired every single member of my staff besides Dean. I paid them heftily and let them go. I just had to start over.
I hired a new security personnel from Nigeria, a new chef from Paris, groundskeepers from Canada and a housekeeper from Italy. I just couldn't trust to hire anyone local anymore.

"Is this good, Dunk?" I looked at Janet for validation after placing the balloons in their designated spot like she asked.

"Perfect." She winked and gave a thumbs up before walking away.

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