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Michael's Point Of View

I have no idea if Sasha will take me up on my offer and meet me later this afternoon. I couldn't help but think about how beautiful she was last night. Even though she was crying, she had this undeniable glow about her. I also kept replaying what Trevor said to her before she started acting all weird and left.

*Flashback: (Trevor) "Oooh! It's your hormonal shit going crazy again, ain't it?"

Just what did he mean by hormonal? I just thought that was really odd.

Anyways, I rented this place out for this afternoon and had if completely decked out with her favorite flowers and 'I'm sorry' banners. I don't want her to get the idea that this is a date or I'm trying to get back with her. Well, I am, but this isn't why I'm doing this. I want her to know how much I love her and how sorry I am about everything I've done.

I'm honestly praying she comes through.

"Have you spoken to Elise, since—you know. . ." Aaron asked, glancing at me through the rear view mirror as he drove.

I heaved a sigh of frustration. Elise was the last person I wanted to think about right now. "No, I haven't and I don't plan to."

"Well, you know she's been calling nonstop since last week."

"I know. You guys should've done like me and blocked her." I rolled my eyes.
I didn't block Elise because I'm angry with her or anything. She's just a temptation and I'm just trying to protect myself from falling again. Especially when I'm trying to get on good terms with Sasha.

"Well, I don't know about the other guys but I know I did." Aaron laughed. "Actually, I didn't on my other phone. She's probably been blowing that one up too."

"Don't you use your other phone?" I raised a brow.

"Not as much anymore. I'm about to cut it off soon."

I stayed silent for a bit but then asked, "What's the other number?"

"Say that again, boss?" Aaron looked confused.

"What is the number of your other phone?"

Aaron kept his head straight, eyes on the road and not even attempt to look at me through the rear view mirror. "Uh, it's 661-555-0112."

661-555-0112 . . . 661-555-0112 . . .

"Thank you," I replied nonchalantly before sliding my dark Ray-Ban's over my eyes, "thank you very much."

Fucking snake.

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