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Andre's Point Of View

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. . ." That's all I could manage to repetitively say as I drove home.

I constantly kept checking my mirrors like a madman who's being followed.

Am I being followed?

I was drenched with sweat and my white shirt was now flawed with splatters of blood. I leaned over and opened my glove compartment and there it was just staring right back at me. A black velvet box holding a twenty-four million dollar ring.

"Shit!" I slammed the glove compartment shut, swerving on the road like I just robbed a bank or something. I needed to relax.

"You're trained for this, Andre." I did a few breathing techniques to help calm my nerves and eliminate the crazy rush of adrenaline shooting through my system. "Relax, Andre. Relax."

Once I realized that I was getting closer to the house, I pulled into this vacant parking lot and parked right next to this huge dumpster. I got out of the vehicle and began to remove my clothes. I kept an eye out of course, but thankfully there was literally nothing and no one around. Luckily for me, I always keep some gym clothes in my trunk. After tossing my blood stained shirt and pants into the dumpster, I grabbed my gym clothes and quickly put them on.

I was just hoping and praying that Lauren would be taking her afternoon nap by the time I get home.

I made it to the house and surprisingly enough, my nerves were calmed a little. I stayed in the car for maybe ten minutes and just went over every single scenario that may or may not occur once I step out of this car and enter the house. My whole career I've been trained on how to lie and keep calm in the craziest situations but this moment right here has got me beat; And the only reason why that is, it's because I let my heart get in the way of my work. I fell in love with Lauren and now I am absolutely terrified of the consequences I'm going to face once Lauren finds out about me.

I have to come clean to her. I have to man up and confess because I cannot stand to allow myself to continue to lie to someone I truly love. It would completely end me if she'd leave me but I know it's inevitable. There's no way she'd stay with a man who's been lying to her this whole time.

I finally mustered up some strength and exited my vehicle. I walked up the driveway, praying to God that Lauren would be sleeping.

As soon as I opened the door, our dog, Lue came running to greet me. He wagged his tail in excitement as I picked him up and closed the door.

The house was quiet.

"Please tell me your mommy is sleeping." I whispered to Lue.

I felt immediate relief after walking into the living room and not finding her there. I poked my head in the kitchen and it was empty as well.

So that only meant she was upstairs taking her nap.

My nerves were completely calmed as I made my way up the stairs. I put Lue down and as soon as I did, he ran into mine and Lauren's bedroom.

The door wasn't completely closed but it was opened wide enough to where Lue just slipped right through.

Before I can even touch the door to get in, Lauren's voice stopped me right in my tracks.

"Lue, where were you boy?" She cooed. "Were you making a mess downstairs?"

I completely froze.

"Shiiiiit." I mouthed before putting on a smile and walking through the door. "What's up, baby?"

"Hey, baaaaabe!" She replied excitedly. "How was your—" Her smile disappears and turns into a sketched look. "You went to the gym after your meeting?"

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