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Michael's Point Of View

I was livid.

Here I was being the center of a media whirlwind once again. I couldn't have a good twenty four hours to process and savor this amazing new chapter in my life without the media finding out and running millions of stories about it. I wanted my family, especially my mother, to hear of this from my own mouth. Not from Twitter or Instagram or whatever media outlet is out there.

What's even crazier is as this news trends, the story begins to change into: Michael Jackson impregnates mystery woman|New sources claim Sasha Campbell is not the one pregnant|Jacko shows how quick he moves on by getting another woman pregnant!—The list goes on.

Thankfully, after several attempts at trying to get a hold of Sasha, she called me back. When I answered, I was completely caught off guard by her reaction. She was as equally surprised and pissed as I was. She even went as far as blaming me for running my mouth, which I told her I didn't.

What was confusing to us was that all the major blogs were reporting the same story that a source close to me is claiming that I'm expecting a child with a mystery woman. The world knows about Sasha and despite of our breakup, it's known how much I'm trying to get back with her; So why would I get another woman pregnant?

I find that very odd.

Elise's Point Of View

***Day before***

For the past month and a half I've been staying with my mom and abuela in the Woodland Hills. I needed to get away from it all and have some time to myself but most of all to avoid Jermaine.

I've been trying so hard to get in contact with Michael and anyone on his team but I've been so unsuccessful.

All morning today, I've been in a state of deep depression. I've been feeling sick for the past couple of weeks and once I woke up this morning, I knew for sure that something wasn't right.

"Are you still feeling sick mi amor?" My mother, Lucinda asked.

"I'm feeling a little better, mom."

"That's good." She smiled and rubbed my back. "Well, when your grandmother comes back from the store, she'll make that special medicine she always made for you and your brother." She laughed, "That'll for sure heal you completely."

I scrunched my nose in disgust. "That's the worst medicine ever though." I smiled and got up from the couch. "I'm gonna go pee, I'll be right back."


"Jermaine don't hang up on—hello?" I looked at the phone in my hand and had the sudden urge to throw it against the mirror.

I am so angry. I've held in so much anger and frustration that I'm no longer able to hold. They're released in overflowing form of tears.

"How I am I supposed to tell him this?" I cried to myself as I stared at the stick in my hand. "This is too fucking much. . ."

"Sweetheart, are you ok?" My mother knocked on the bathroom door.

I shoved the test in the pocket of my sweats and wiped the tears from my face. I looked in the mirror to see a reflection of my puffed and reddened face. There was no way I could hide that I was crying from my mother. Even if I splashed cold water on my face.

"Elise," she knocked, "is everything alright? I heard crying."

I opened the door and her face grew more worrisome once her eyes landed on my teary ones. "Mija, qué pasó?"

I completely failed at trying to hold from sobbing once her sweet voice asked me what happened. She wrapped me in her arms and just comforted me.

"You can talk to me about anything mi amor." She held my face in both of her hands. "What's wrong?"
Her beautiful brown eyes were filled with so much peace and comfort. I felt so safe in her arms.

I took a huge breath as she wiped tears from my face. "I—I'm pregnant."

"What, you're pregnant? Is that not great news?" She was confused. "You and Jermaine sh—"

"It's not for Jermaine, mom."

"What? It's not for—what are you talking about Elise? What do you mean it's not for Jermaine?" My Mother's eyes came darker. I couldn't tell if it were anger or disappointment written on her face. It honestly could be both.

"It's not." I said in almost a whisper.

"Elise, who are you pregnant for?"

I've never even come close to imagining that one day I'd say these upcoming words. Life just has a way of surprising the shit out of you in the most least expected ways. All I know is that I'm about have a fuck load of lemonade from all these lemons life is about to fling my way.

"Michael," I said, "I'm pregnant by Michael and Jermaine is going to tell the media."

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