Where It All Began (2/6)

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Kennedy had a car service come pick us up from my house around 6:15 p.m. When we arrived there, we had almost every eye on us. When I tell you we came to slay, we did exactly that.

Kennedy had on this beautiful Ralph Russo gown and slaying for the gods; And I was wearing a sparkly, body hugging gown designed by Eli Saab. Our makeup done by Kennedy's cousin who is a renowned celebrity makeup artist.

As we're following one of the coordinators to our assigned table, Kennedy was greeting celebrities like she's known them her whole life and I was here internally dying and fangirling as I laid eyes on some of my favorite celebrities as they mingled and talked amongst themselves. Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Tina Turner, Lionael Richie and Celine Dion literally just smiled at me.

Keeping my composure like a sane person, we made it to our table which had a few of Kennedy's co-workers already seated. We're not celebrities, so it made sense that we were not seated on the same tables as these A-Listers. After being introduced to her colleagues and getting complimented, I felt a finger tap my shoulder.

"Excuse me, miss."

I turned around and my heart nearly collapsed in my chest.

Drake was standing behind me holding a glass of champagne in his hand. "I'm sorry. I saw you come in and I just had to tell you how gorgeous you are." He reached out his hand and I shook it. "I hope I don't come off as rude. I just had to get that off my chest." He leaned close enough to where I smelled his minty breath.

I smiled trying to keep my composure. "Thank you so much! That's not rude at all. I appreciate the compliment."

"I'm Drake, by the way." He chuckled. "And..."

"I'm Sasha." I followed suit. "Friend of Kennedy James from Epic Records." I looked over at Kennedy who's teeth were lighting up the whole room. Grinning hard as hell.

"Nice meeting you ladies." He straightened up and fixed his tux before heading back to his table.

Wow. That was sureal. Here I am in a room full of the biggest celebs and being complimented by one.

I felt Kennedy nudging me with her elbow and her face said it all. "Girl, he's taking you home tonight." She teased and I laughed.

As everyone began to make it to their assigned tables and the time approached for the commecement of the gala, I'm took in the scenery around me, spotting all my favorite celebrities and icons I've grown up listening to or watched on TV.

This is amazing.

I got another nudge from Kennedy and I snapped from my muse.

"Girl, don't look right now but across from us, like three tables down to the left, Michael Jackson has been staring over here the past five minutes. And I can bet on everything he's staring at you." She whispered.

Not even thinking straight and being the dumbass that I am, I looked over there even though she told me not to.

My eyes immediately locked into his.


I looked away quickly and whispered back to Kennedy. "Oh shit!"

"Why did you look up so quickly, hoe?" She kind of whispered a little too loud cause two of her colleagues looked over at us. "Now he knows I was talking shit."

"Ssh." I tapped her to keep her voice down. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I'm sorry."

I looked back over in his direction and he was obviously still staring at me. I smiled not knowing what else to do and he did the same but in a sexy, cocky-like smirk.

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