128: Saving Stiles

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Scott POV

I stand there frozen in shock and horror for another moment before I finally snap myself out of it and rush to Stiles' side, kneeling down beside him and examine his injuries. I wince slightly just looking at them. Whatever did this to Stiles didn't hold back. A white hot ball of anger starts to swirl up inside of me and I want to make whatever did this to Stiles pay for what they've done. No one hurts my boyfriend, my fiancé, especially as much as this, and gets away with it. I shakily reach a hand out and grab onto Stiles not broken hand, squeezing it gently, not caring about the blood.
I wince again as I take away some of Stiles' pain, and I can feel every bit of it. It almost feels like the mirror shards are sticking into my skin and I'm the one with broken bones.

"Stiles, you're going to be okay. I promise, baby." I reassure Stiles with as much confidence that I can muster, even though I know Stiles can't hear me. I continue holding onto his hand for a few moments, even though it hurts more and more after each second. I scrunch my eyes closed in concentration and hiss in pain, but don't let go. If this is only a fraction of the pain that Stiles is really feeling, then I'm glad he passed out.

"Scott, that's enough." I hear Lydia finally say and I feel someone pulling my hand out of Stiles'. I open my eyes and see that I'm now surrounded by Stiles' dad, Lydia and Ben. They're all staring between me and Stiles in concern.

"Why was he talking about Kara? Was she here with him?" The Sheriff wonders out loud, and he does raise a good point. Stiles looked really upset and desperate when he was asking us where Kara was. It was the first and only thing he could tell us before he lost consciousness. It makes me nervous knowing that Stiles just stayed conscious enough to tell us we need to find Kara. What part has she got in all of this?

"He's still breathing at least. He's still alive, and that's the main thing." Ben says, trying to look at the positives and pulls me out of my wandering thoughts.

"Yeah, but look at his injuries, Ben! He could have died! In fact, he might have died if we hadn't of found him and he continued just to lie here and bled out!" I exclaim as I look back down at my boyfriend again, my heart aching with sadness for him.

"We just have to get him back to one of our houses and put him in a bathtub full of water. That will allow him to heal, and then we can find out what the hell is going on." The Sheriff states calmly. I'm surprised at how calm he's being even though his son's life is in great danger. However, I can sense the panic that can't be heard in his tone though. He's just trying to remain calm for the rest of us, which I appreciate. I'm pretty sure if the Sheriff freaked out, we would all be freaking out. I already am freaking out. As I glance over at Lydia, I can see she's freaking out too. She looks completely horrified. Ben pulls her into a hug and keeps her close. As I stare at the couple, I start to feel sorry for them. What a terrible way to end a first date, huh?

"What do you think could have done this to him?" I ask no one in particular as I gaze back down at Stiles again worriedly. I reach out and hold onto his hand gently again, but I don't take his pain this time, because I don't want someone to rip my hand away from Stiles'.

"I don't know Scott, but that's not the most important thing right now. We can figure that out later. Right now, I think we need to at least get that metal railing out of his shoulder. We'll have to leave the mirror in, as that will help stop him bleeding out too fast, but I think we need to remove the metal railing. It'll be hard to move him with it in, and probably very painful for Stiles. If we get him to water fast, then we should be okay if we pull it out." The Sheriff instructs the rest of us.

"Okay." I nod in understanding. Ben and I move around a bit and then we both grab hold of the metal railing that has just skewered through Stiles' shoulder. I'm just grateful that it missed his heart. Then we would be in huge trouble.

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