76: Defending Beacon Hills

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Stiles POV

Dad, Moselle, Kara and I walk through the Beacon Hills Preserve in silence, all of us afraid about what is going to happen. Yet, I know that we are all determined as well. All of us are angry at Thalassa and what she has done for different reasons. As we walk further into the preserve, the wind gets louder and stronger, the rain gets heavier and the thunder is louder. We are getting closer to the eye of the storm, meaning that we are getting closer to Thalassa. I'm not exactly sure what we will do when we find her, but we'll do something. We will probably have to take care of Thalassa's guards too. I still can't believe what Thalassa did to Moselle and I. Was she really going to kill us if the potion didn't kill us first? Would she have killed my dad too? Huh, I guess she really doesn't care about anyone but herself and the all and mighty power she seems to be obsessed with. I glance up at the trees, that are all bending over badly. I'm afraid that they'll be ripped out of the ground at any moment. The rain stings our eyes as we continue to walk forward. We would get rid of the storm, but it is our only way of finding Thalassa. Once we find her, we can get rid of the storm.

"Dad, what's the plan?" I ask as I glance over to my father, looking to him for advice. Lightning strikes ahead above us, illuminating the dark woods around us. "Stop the storm and incapacitate Thalassa and her guards. Then, I'll decide what we should do with them. Thalassa might be put up for judgement against all of the allied kingdoms. I'm sure they won't be happy about what she tried to do to you and Moselle." Dad answers me, his voice almost getting lost in the wind, but I still manage to hear it.

"Okay." I reply, nodding a little in response as well, feeling a bit more determined and in control. The four of us continue to walk on in silence, covering our faces with our hands as the rain pelts down on us, almost blinding us. Eventually, we enter a clearing that leads out onto a cliff overlooking Beacon Hills. The rain suddenly seems to calm down, the wind is barely existing now and the thunder sounds further away. We are right in the heart of the storm. I see Thalassa and her guards standing near the cliff, raising their hands in the air, creating the awful storm that is destroying Beacon Hills and could potentially kill a lot of people. Dad, Moselle, Kara and I take a few more steps into the clearing before Thalassa turns around, as well as her guards. All of their eyes are glowing green.

"Well, well. Look who finally decided to show up." Thalassa laughs as she starts walking towards us, her guards following closely behind her. I clench my hands into fists and try to keep myself calm. I glance over to Moselle for a second and I can see the anger, hurt and betrayal in her eyes as she stares at her mom. I just hope she doesn't do anything impulsively, but will regret later on.

"What are you doing, Thalassa? You're hurting innocent people. They haven't done anything wrong." Dad asks in a calm voice, but I can hear the anger and betrayal underneath the calmness. "Well, you all took something from me, so I'm taking something from you." She hisses at us, her eyes still glowing pale green.

"We didn't take anything from you! In fact, you are the one who took our own free will!" Moselle exclaims angrily, referring to her and myself. "It didn't have to be this way, Moselle. You could've just gotten married without a worry. The love potion wouldn't have been necessary if you had both just been open to the idea, but no. You just had to make things complicated and then destroy my plan in the end anyway." Thalassa scowls at us, her expression dark and angry.

"Oh, wow, aren't you just the mother of the year? Manipulating your daughter like that? Great job. We should get you a gold medal." I respond sarcastically, slow clapping a little, getting really annoyed with Thalassa now. She has messed with one too many of us now. I can't let her hurt or mess with anyone else.

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