26: The Kiss of Death

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Stiles POV

The rest of the day passes by quickly, which isn't necessarily a good thing. Tristan takes every chance he gets to place Scott back under his spell and to be honest, it is hard for Kara and I to keep up. Tristan just seems to be everywhere, lurking around every corner and catches Scott off guard. Sometimes I'm there to see it, sometimes I'm not. Tristan doesn't really care. I think he just wants to play with my emotions. Unfortunately, it's working. By the last class of the day, I'm so restless and can barely sit still as anger and panic swirl around inside of me. Nothing would please me more than punching Tristan in the face, but I unfortunately don't have any classes with him. I hated the fact that he shared AP Biology with Scott. I was tempted to make Scott ditch class with me just to stay away from Tristan, but I know how much he wants to do well in it, so I thought I better not. It's weird. Throughout the day, Scott continues to be subconsciously drawn to Tristan, which only makes my concern grow. Obviously I don't know everything about a siren's power, but the creatures are very alluring and can easily draw people in, making them easy targets. Throughout the day, Scott has begged to know what is going on, feeling more and more confused every time I drag him down a hallway in an attempt to get away from Tristan or the times right after I pull him out of the trance. It is getting very stressful. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

I'm sitting in psychology next to Kara and Danny, staring up at the board, watching as the teacher writes down notes for us to copy. Ugh, I just want to get out of here. Usually, I like psychology, it's a fascinating subject, but today I just can't focus. Oh, and I'm extremely tired. I almost fell asleep in class three times today. They were different classes, but none of the teachers were happy with me. I rest my head in my hands and start to slowly close my eyes and drift off, knowing that Kara can show me her notes later...

"Stiles Stilinski!" A voice shouts, snapping me awake. I yelp and jump in surprise, falling out of my chair. This causes many laughs throughout the classroom. I glance up from the floor to see my psychology teacher and the principal staring at me in annoyance. "Yes?" I ask sheepishly. My psychology teacher sighs in annoyance.

"I'll deal with you sleeping in my class later. For now, you and Miss Bridgewater must go with the principal. Now." She tells me in a stern voice. I exchange a confused look with Kara. We haven't done anything wrong, so I have no idea what this could be about. I get off the ground, collect my stuff and walk with Kara out of the classroom, followed by the principal. The three of us make our way down to his office. Kara and I sit down in chairs in front of his desk while the principal sits behind his desk, staring at us sternly. It is then I notice that Tristan is in the room. I send him a nasty glare, knowing that something must be up.

"What are we in here for, sir?" Kara asks innocently.

"It has come to my attention that someone has completely trashed the library today. Tristan has informed me that he saw you two doing this." The principal tells us. My eyes widen in shock.

"What? No we didn't!" I protest immediately.

"Come on, don't lie. I saw you two in the library at lunch. You were on some sort of rampage. It was scary to watch. I thought that you guys would attack students next." Tristan speaks up from behind us, stepping forward. I get up from my chair and walk over to him. "What are you doing?" I ask in a harsh tone as I glare at the boy who is acting all innocent and good, the exact opposite of what he really is. "I'm just doing the right thing!" Tristan replies.

"Enough! Stiles, sit down! You're just making it worse!" The principal raises his voice. I glare daggers at Tristan before I finally concede and sit down again. "Thank you. Now, as a result of this news, you will both be receiving detention tonight until 6:30pm. You will be cleaning up the library. Mr Mason will be monitoring you." The principal informs us. My heart skips a beat and my body freezes up. Shit! That is what Tristan wanted! His plan was to hold us back after school so we can't protect Scott! He'll be able to take him!

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