38: Being Honest

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Scott POV

I close the front door behind me and I walk further into my house, which is quiet, just like it usually is. I then hear my mom's voice from upstairs. "Scott? Honey, is that you?" Mom calls out to me.

"Yeah, Mom! It's me." I call back in response as I start to walk up the stairs to my room. As I reach the top of the stairs, Mom walks out of her room to see me. "Well, I'm glad you're home. I'm thinking of making tacos for dinner. Where were you out and about, anyway?" Mom says, placing her hands on her hips.

"I just went out for a walk with Stiles." I reply with a smile forming on my lips. Mom starts to grin at me as she notices my extra happiness as I mention my boyfriend. "So you two have made up, huh?" She asks me. I stare at her in confusion.

"What?" I almost stutter. I didn't tell her anything about our argument yesterday, so what is she on about?

"Please. I could tell that there was something up with you two. I could tell that you had some sort of disagreement. I'm an expert on spotting things like this. It's basically my sixth sense." Mom explains to me.

"Well, uh, in that case, we did make up, yeah." I reply.

"That's good to hear. Knowing how to forgive each other and make up with each other is an important skill to have in marriage." Mom says, giving me a small wink. I feel my cheeks blushing profusely.

"Mom!" I gasp at her with shock and embarrassment, my mouth opening and closing like a fish.

"What? I'm just saying." Mom chuckles at me.

"But... I know you're still very young and haven't even finished senior year yet, but do you think that you would want to marry Stiles someday?" Mom asks me curiously.

"I... Uh..." I try to say something, but no words come out, as I feel too embarrassed and flustered. I do want to marry Stiles at some point in the future, preferably sooner rather than later (considering how unpredictable and dangerous our lives are, we don't know what could happen to us). I want to get down on one knee and be all cheesy and romantic and propose to him. I really want him to be my husband one day. And I really want to be his husband too, but this stuff is not an easy thing to talk about with your mom.

"Well, based on that response, I think I'll start getting my speeches prepared." Mom smiles at me mischievously before walking away. "Mom!" I protest in shock with wide eyes. All I can hear is her chuckling as she walks down the stairs, leaving me frozen in this spot, gawking like an idiot. I eventually shake myself out of my shock and continue to make my way to my room, my cheeks still feeling very warm. I walk over to my bed and flop down on it, groaning a little. I'm still shocked with what my mom told me and I am kind of dreading talking to my dad. However, I need to get over myself. I promised Stiles that I would do it, and I intend to sticking to that promise. I run my hands over my face for a moment and let out a long sigh, relieving myself of all the stress that has been building up inside of me lately.

After a few minutes, I sit up again and glance over at the small box that is placed on top of my drawers. I get up and slowly walk over to the box, pick it up and take it back over to the bed. I sit down again and open the box, revealing a bunch of old photos. I carefully pull them out and examine them. The first one is of Dad and I when I was about five. He took me on this fishing trip somewhere up north. We were sitting in this little tin boat, wearing ridiculous fishing attire. The fishing rod and reel that I used that day were way too big for my little six year old self, but I looked so excited to be there. I had the biggest grin on my face. Dad is smiling brightly too, having one hand clamped on my shoulder. I remember that day. We didn't catch any fish at all. I think Dad and I are the worst fishermen ever. Still, I loved that trip. We got to spend some really good time together, just him and I.

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