80: Taking Care of Stiles

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Stiles POV

The next morning, I start to wake up to the warm sunshine beating down on my face from a window which didn't have its curtain closed last night or something. I also feel someone's strong and muscular arms wrapped around me, holding me close. I let myself smile a little as I open my eyes, but my smile immediately fades away when all I can see is blackness when it is clearly morning and that the sun should be up. I start to freak out for a few moments, my heart beating really fast, my eyes stinging with tears as I move around a bit and I'm on the verge of a panic attack just before I recall the events of yesterday. Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm blind. I sigh sadly as the realization hits me. I stare into the strange blackness, feeling really deflated. I then hear a tired yawn from behind me. I turn around in the strong hold to face the yawner. I reach a hand out and smile as I find the face. I caress his face gently as he starts to wake up.

"Morning, Stiles. Did you sleep well?" Scott asks me. I nod in response.

"Yeah, I did. Thank you for staying with me last night and for being here when I woke up." I reply with a grateful smile. I don't admit to Scott that I am afraid of being alone and blind. I'm sure he already knows that though. We've been best friends for what feels like forever and we've been boyfriends for about eight months. We know everything about each other and exactly how we are feeling.

"It was no problem, Stiles. I know you would do the same for me." Scott replies in a kind voice. Ugh, I wish I could see him right now. I miss his face. Actually, I miss seeing anything. I never really knew how terrifying and lonely it was to be blind. I hope that I won't be like this forever, but I am still scared that is a very real possibility. I bravely swallow back my fear and focus on Scott again, still caressing his face. I move my hand to allow it to play with some of Scott's hair.

"I'm hungry. We should get some breakfast." I suggest. Scott chuckles.

"It's good to see that your appetite hasn't changed." Scott remarks. I swear that he is smirking. I wish I could be sure, but I just have to go with assumptions. I roll my eyes and try to punch Scott in the arm, but I am pretty sure that I missed. Especially when Scott yelps out in pain. "Ow! What the hell was that for?" He asks me in confusion.

"What?" I frown.

"You punched me in the jaw!" Scott exclaims.

"Oh... Whoops. I'm sorry, I was meaning to go for your arm, but... I guess I missed." I apologize guiltily. Ugh, stupid eyes. Why can't they just work? Stupid lightning. I breathe out heavily. I suddenly feel hand hold onto mine and squeeze them gently. "Don't worry about it, Stiles. It's fine. I just wasn't expecting it, that's all. You have a strong punch though. My jaw might be slightly more crooked now. You can just tease me more about it." Scott reassures me.

"Haha. Very funny." I reply, feeling a little bit better now. Scott always has a way to make me feel better. It's one of the things I love about him. "Alright then, let's get some breakfast. I'll make us some pancakes or something." Scott says and I can hear the bed covers shuffling. I feel him unwrap his arms from me and I hear his feet hit the floor. I manage to get out of the bed and stumble forwards blindly (literally). I almost trip over something and I cry out in surprise, but Scott catches me.

"Careful." Scott comments and I don't even need to see him to know that he is smiling softly.

"Thanks." I reply breathlessly as I stand back upright again. Scott is still holding onto my waist.

"I'm fine, Scott. You can let go." I add, but I don't mention the fact that I just want to do something on my own. I want to prove that I'm not totally useless. I know Scott would try to tell me that I'm never totally useless, but I need to prove to myself that I'm not useless. Getting down to Scott's kitchen by myself without any help will help prove that.

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