87: Scott's Insecurities - Part Two

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Scott POV

I'm not sure why John called me to his house. It usually would be Stiles, so I guess I'm a little worried, but I try not to think too much about it. I'm sure that everything is fine. John answers the door only a few moments after I knock. He wears a friendly smile on his face.

"Hi, Mr Stilinski. You wanted to see me?" I greet him in a friendly way, still not entirely sure why I'm here.

"Hi, Scott. It's nice to see you. Please, come on in." John gestures for me to walk inside, stepping out of the doorway. I quickly swallow my nerves and my confusion before I step inside the house, John closing the door behind me. The Sheriff walks down the hall and into the living room, and I quickly follow suit. We sit on opposite sofas, staring at each other. The silence continues to grow longer and longer, becoming more awkward.

"Uh, so, what did you want to talk about?" I ask, wanting to get the conversation moving.

"Ah, yes. About that..." The Sheriff begins. I can see a serious look in his eyes. Perhaps some sadness in there as well. What is going on? He hasn't arranged another marriage for Stiles, has he?

"How are you feeling, Scott?" John asks. I'm taken aback by that question. I wasn't expecting that.

"What do you mean?" I frown in confusion.

"I know that things have been really tough for you recently. Sure, you can try and put on a facade for Stiles' sake, as he is already worrying and feeling guilty enough as it is already. Thank you for helping him through that, by the way. I could never do it on my own. However, I feel like you've also built this wall for yourself, to deny how you're really feeling or what you're really worried about." John explains for me.

"I'm not sure that I understand. Obviously things have been rough recently, but haven't they been rough for everyone? I mean, with Stiles and Moselle being under a love spell, Thalassa planning on killing them both for power and control, and then when things start to look okay, Stiles goes blind. Yeah, that'd be horrible for anyone that knows him." I say, gazing over at the Sheriff, worried about where this is going.

"But not just anyone is his boyfriend, are they? You are." The Sheriff states simply. I don't say anything and just look down at the ground, fiddling with my hands. "Of course some of this is going to be rougher on you than everyone else, particularly the part where Stiles was with Moselle." John continues. I feel my eyes start to get the slightest bit watery, so I quickly wipe away the tears and sniffle quietly. I'm not exactly sure what ignited the flare up of my sadness, but I try my best to control it anyway.

"I'll get through it. I'm just glad that Stiles is okay and himself now. My irrational jealousy of Moselle will fade with time." I answer as I look back up at Stiles' dad. He stares back at me sympathetically.

"Why were you jealous of Moselle? Other than the obvious fact that she was kissing and sleeping with Stiles, the person that you love." John asks me. I'm a little surprised that John found out about Stiles and Moselle sleeping together, but then again, I shouldn't be. While Stiles and Moselle were completely lovesick and were infatuated with one another, they were always a little bit too open with their relationship. I then think about another thing that John just said, and it makes me feel good to know that John knows that I truly love his son. I mean, it was kinda obvious that he knew, but it's always nice to hear him say it out loud, fully accepting it and embracing it. I decide that I should tell John about the fears that have been clouding my mind lately, which were really sparked up by Thalassa's comment to me when we had that confrontation.

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