23: New Kids and New Arguments

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Stiles POV

The next week flies by fairly quickly and nothing major seems to happen. It is almost as if the Dread Doctors and their experiments have disappeared, which fills me with relief, but I'm still wary of them and the risk they pose. Not to me, but to Scott. I could care less about what they would do to me. I just don't want them touching Scott. I got into contact with Chris a little while ago and he has been looking out for any traces of the Dread Doctors or their experiments. I told him to alert me if he finds anything about those creatures. So far, Chris hasn't had any luck with it. I would like for the Dread Doctors to have just disappeared, but I know that wouldn't actually be the case. They are still out there somewhere, but I don't know what they're planning. When I went down to Atlantia with my dad last week, I confided my fears with Ben, Crystal, Max and Selena. They looked worried when I explained the situation to them, but they told me that I would be fine and if I come across the Dread Doctors, that I would be able to fight them off. Ben also suggests that if I don't have any way of finding them right now and they aren't causing any harm, then maybe I should focus on other things. Ben listed off a few things I should worry about, like school, like helping run a kingdom and of course my relationship with Scott. Crystal is always very keen to hear how it is going, reminding me if that Scott hurts me, just let her know and then she'll give Scott a piece of her mind. It is sweet how protective she is over her friends, but she does seem to go a little bit overboard. Just a bit.

It is now a Monday morning and I am just jumping out of my jeep, as does Kara. We close the doors and walk side by side up to the school. "Ah, a new week. I wonder what surprises it will throw at us?" I ask my friend as we walk up the stairs with bags slung over our bags. "No idea. I'm just trying to pass all of my classes. That's hard enough." Kara tells me as we make our way to the front entrance. I push open the doors and the two of us walk inside and make our way to our lockers. "Yeah, true. I feel sorry for Scott, Lydia and Kira, since they are taking AP Biology." I reply with a smile, feeling lucky that I'm not them. However, I do know that those three are obviously smart enough to be in that class and have the determination to do well in it. I try to remind Scott of that a lot if he ever is feeling down about it.

I walk a bit further down the hall past Kara so I can get to my locker and grab the books that I'll need. As I close my locker and turn around, I see two students that I have never seen before walking down the hall with a small crowd following them. The girl and boy look a bit similar, so I'm assuming they are siblings. Their pale skin contrasts against their midnight black hair. They both have confident smirks on their faces, especially the boy. I frown a little as I watch them walk past me, a small crowd of students following after them like paparazzi. I frown even more, not getting a good sense about those two. I don't know what it is, but something just seems a little bit... Off.

"Is it just me or do those kids seem weird to you?" Kara asks as she walks up to me with books in her hands.

"No, it's not just you." I reply as I continue to stare at the siblings walking down the hall.

"They seem overly confident, don't they? For new kids." Kara adds.

"Yeah. Even though I swear I have never seen them here before, they seem to have a large crowd following after them, considering no one has had time to really get to know these guys. This has to be their first day. I've never seen them before." I reply as I turn back to face Kara with a worried expression.

"Did you get a shiver running down your spine?" The mermaid asks me.

"Yeah, now that you mention it, I did." I answer, starting to feel more nervous. All of my instincts are telling me that something isn't right here. However, I can't be sure. I would need more proof than just a first impression on them just walking by me. I would have to talk to them.

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