6: Confusion

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Stiles POV

I start running towards Scott, who hasn't moved since he emerged into the clearing. I feel so relieved to see that he's okay. However, as I get closer to my boyfriend, something feels wrong. I can't tell exactly what it is, but I don't like the way Scott is coldly staring at me. I don't like his completely stiff and robotic posture, as if he's a soldier or something. I especially don't like it when he shifts into a werewolf. I stop in my tracks, my heart pounding against my chest. Scott growls quietly at me. "Scott? Are you okay?" I ask worriedly as I take one more step forward. Suddenly, Scott growls louder and starts running towards me, ready to attack. He swings his right hand towards me. I gasp in surprise and narrowly dodge his sharp claws. I stumble back in shock and I can hear my friends behind me shouting in surprise, confusion and fear. I fall onto the ground as Scott continues to advance on me, looking like he's ready to kill. I could easily use my powers to defend myself or I could fight back, but I refuse to hurt my boyfriend at any cost. I crawl backwards as Scott steps forwards. I find myself backed up against a tree. "Sc-Scott? What's going on? You're scaring me." I ask fearfully, feeling very confused. Scott doesn't answer. It's like what I said didn't even register in his brain. Scott pounces forward, hands outstretched. I yelp as I manage to roll to the side and avoid being jumped on and scratched by the werewolf.

Scott hits a tree and falls to the ground. I scramble to my feet and quickly run back to my friends. I see that Isaac and Liam have shifted into their werewolf forms. "What the hell is going on? Why is he trying to attack us?" Kara asks fearfully.

"I have no freaking idea!" Liam says in response. We watch as Scott gets to his feet and starts running towards us. "Stiles, get Kara and Lydia out of here now!" Isaac yells urgently at me. I nod and quickly take hold of Lydia and Kara's hands before the three of us start sprinting away from the lake. We keep going, not looking back, even though I don't want to leave Scott like this. I need to know what the hell is wrong with him. After a few moments, I notice Lydia glancing back. "He's chasing after us!" She gasps out loud. I look over my shoulder to see that Lydia is right. Scott has completely ignored Liam and Isaac, but I notice that the two are lying on the ground now. Scott is charging right at us. Actually, when I look more closely at him, I notice that his gaze is trained on me. Finally, things start to click. I suddenly stop in my tracks. "Stiles, what are you doing? We have to go!" Lydia shrieks as she tugs at my arm.

"No, you guys have to go." I reply as I shake my head.

"What about you?" Kara asks incredulously. I glance back over to Scott, who is quickly gaining ground.

"He's not after you guys. He's after me." I say solemnly. Kara and Lydia look at me with shock.

"Why would he be trying to hurt you alone?" Lydia asks in disbelief.

"I don't know, but I need to lead him away from the rest of you guys. I'll meet you at the animal clinic, okay? Now go!" I shout as I push the two girls away from me. I watch as they run back to Isaac and Liam. Scott lets them run past him. At least I was right. I just need to figure out why I was right. I turn around and run through the woods, Scott right on my heels.

Scott POV

I chase after Stiles, getting closer and closer to my target. Eventually, I decide to jump forwards and I land on Stiles' back. He yells out in pain and fear as we fall to the ground. He manages to push me off him as he stands back up. We face each other, both breathing heavily. Stiles' eyes are filled with panic and fear. What are you doing, Stiles? You need to run! You need to get away from me! I am going to kill you! I don't want to kill or hurt you. Of course I don't want to! So why can't I stop myself? Why can't I make myself move away? Why is Samantha doing this to me? Why can't you just use your powers on me to throw me back so you have enough time to run away? Why can't I warn you somehow of what's really happening? "Scott, please, just stop." Stiles begs breathlessly. I glare at Stiles, the only thing that matters right now. He needs to be killed. No he doesn't! I don't want to kill him! I can't kill him! Please don't make me kill the love of my life! Help me, please, somebody help me! I can't move! I'm stuck in my own mind and can only watch on helplessly! Is this how Stiles felt when he was possessed by the Nogitsune? This is the worst feeling ever! "Why are you doing this?" Stiles asks with tears in his eyes. He stumbles back as I take a step forwards and attempt to swipe at him with my claws.

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