55: Scott and Stiles' Eight Month Anniversary

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Kara POV

As I'm walking down the hall after brushing my teeth on Saturday morning, still in my pajamas, I can hear some giggling from Stiles' bedroom. I raise an eyebrow suspiciously, stopping in my tracks. It's 9am, I'm surprised Stiles hasn't come out yet, especially since he has his anniversary tonight. I'm sure he's very excited and I would have thought he would have wanted to share that with me, practically bouncing off the walls. Deciding to check up on him, I start walking towards Stiles' room. I hesitate outside the door for a moment, wondering whether I really should go in. I can hear Stiles sighing heavily from inside. I then lift my hand up and knock gently on the door.

"Stiles? Can I come in?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yeah, sure!" Stiles calls out cheerfully. Slowly, I open the door and enter the room to see Stiles lying on top of his bed, still in his pajamas, a dreamy smile on his face and a distant look in his eyes. He sits up as he hears me come in. Stiles' smile increases when he sees me. "Morning, Kara! What a beautiful day it is!" Stiles greets in a cheerful voice, that dreamy look still plastered onto his face. "Uh, sure, I guess." I respond, still feeling a little confused.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I stare at my friend curiously.

"Me? I've never been better!" Stiles exclaims as he jumps out of bed and practically skips over to his window and opens the curtains. "This day just seems a little bit brighter, a bit more magical, you know? Everything is just... more amazing." Stiles rambled as he stares out the window. I blink a few times in confusion and stare at Stiles blankly. Did he hit his head last night or something?

"Stiles, you're acting weird. Well, weirder than normal, anyway." I decide to point out, folding my arms across my chest. Stiles turns back to look at me, his eyes still having that dazed and dreamy look in them. "I'm just so in love, Kara. I want to shout it to the world! I want the world to know that I'm hopelessly and foolishly in love!" Stiles exclaims excitedly as he rushes up to me and holds onto my wrists gently. I chuckle at the merprince and shake my head. I should have known that this was all about his anniversary.

"I can agree to that. You're completely head over heels." I reply with a smirk. Stiles nods eagerly. Stiles lets go of my wrists and takes a few steps back from me and spins around in a couple of circles before flopping down onto his bed, giggling cutely. I raise an eyebrow at him again, surprised by the way Stiles is acting. He's not usually like this. Sure, he's completely in love with Scott, but he never acts like... well, this. He's kind of a mess right now. Maybe he is deliriously tired. Yeah, that must be it.

"Stiles, calm down, alright? You don't want to suffocate on your own laughter before tonight." I tell him, shaking my head a little and prepare to walk out of the room. From the corner of my eye, I can see Stiles bolt upright immediately. "Tonight? What's tonight?" Stiles asks, sounding genuinely confused. I stop in my tracks and turn around to face Stiles, giving him an annoyed look. He knows exactly what I'm talking about, so I don't know why he wants to pretend he doesn't. I don't think it is very funny, if he intends it to be some sort of joke.

"Uh, I don't know, maybe it's your eight month anniversary?" I answer sarcastically. Stiles frowns at me, still looking clueless. "What?" Stiles asks in confusion. I frown even more at Stiles, my eyebrows knitting together. This really isn't a funny joke, he needs to stop playing around. It's stupid and pointless. Stiles shakes his head, trying to refocus again.

"Anyway. Today is a new day and it is fresh and bright and full of opportunities." Stiles gives me another bright smile.

"It feels good to be in love, Kara. Embrace it." Stiles tells me before he stands up from the bed and rushes towards me, picking me up and spinning me around. "Stiles!" I squeak in surprise before he sets me back down on the ground again. I stare at him with shock. "What the hell?" I ask him in disbelief. Stiles seems to be in a very hyper mood today. "You've got to be spontaneous, Kara." Stiles answers simply, which doesn't really explain anything. It just makes me feel even more confused. I let out a shaky sigh, a headache quickly forming. I rub my temples for a moment to try and dull the pain.

Forever and Always (Sciles)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora