24: Tristan's Target

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Stiles POV

The next couple of days, Kara and I stay low, trying to be subtle about finding out more about Tristan and Macy. We haven't been able to find out much about them. There are barely any records of them. More and more students seem to be crowding around the siblings as each day passes by, which only increases my worry. Yesterday, I asked Tristan why he chose Beacon Hills to move here, all he said was that he felt drawn here. That was when warning bells started going off in my head. The Nemeton is still drawing supernatural creatures here, so now I'm like 97% sure that Tristan and Macy are supernatural. Scott, Isaac and the others still seem oblivious to all of this, which is annoying, but I'm glad that they aren't flocking the new kids like sheep. Even if there is nothing seriously wrong with the siblings, I still think that they are the most narcissistic people I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot, so that's saying something.

I'm sitting in history, scribbling down a few notes when the bell rings, finally signalling the end of the day. I sigh in relief, happy that I don't have lacrosse training after this. I pack up my stuff and race out of the classroom, not bothering to say goodbye to Scott, Kira, Lydia, Malia or Isaac. I rush out to my locker and start putting stuff away and collecting anything I need. Today has been tiring and stressful. I'm looking forward to going home and sleeping. I know I have homework, but it can wait until tomorrow. I've just got so much stress right now, doing homework tonight would be a hilarious fail.

"Hey, Stiles." Kara greets me cheerfully.

"Oh, hey Kara." I reply as I zip up my bag and close my locker before turning to the Australian mermaid.

"How was biology?" I ask her curiously.

"Annoying. The only reason I'm doing it because all the other subjects in that time slot are terrible as well. I'm just glad I don't do AP Biology. I think I would die." Kara answers honestly.

"Fair point." I chuckle.

"We're going straight home, yeah?" Kara asks me.

"Yeah." I reply with a nod.

"Alright then, let's just get out of here." Kara suggests, tilting her head towards the exit. I nod in agreement and we turn and start walking to the entrance. We don't make it very far though as someone jumps in front of us, stopping us in our tracks. My eyes narrow and my lips form a thin line when I recognize who it is; Macy.

"What do you want?" I ask tiredly, not really in the mood for the twins' creepy talk.

"Stiles! Kara! This is urgent!" Macy whispers to us with wide and fearful eyes, pushing us back towards the lockers, so we aren't standing in the middle of the hallway. "What is it?" Kara asks worriedly as Macy stands in front of us.

"It's about my brother," Macy begins solemnly.

"Yes, we already know he is a narcissistic, creepy jerk. It's not new information." I respond harshly.

"No, no, it's more than that, Stiles. I came to you for help because I know who you are. Well, sort of. I have heard of your name from where I came from. We learned a bit about you and your family in school. The lost Prince of Atlantia." Macy tells me, which immediately catches my attention.

"What?" I ask, taken aback.

"How do you know Stiles? Why did you learn about him?" Kara asks suspiciously, folding her arms over her chest.

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