29: Bad is Better than Good

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Third Person POV

Time passes by agonisingly slowly for Stiles while it seems to pass really quickly for Scott. The morning after that infamous full moon, Stiles trudges over to Melissa's house where he has to deliver the news about what has happened to Scott and why he didn't return home last night. Listening to Melissa slowly go from denial and then break down into sobs was shattering for Stiles to see. He can't imagine how painful it must be for her, to lose her only son. She has no one left. Stiles promises that he will be there for Melissa if she needs it and gives her a comforting hug, crying with her for a while, still having no idea what to do next. It just seems... Meaningless. Stiles just feels like he is going through the motions.

That day, he also tells his dad about what happened the night before. John was utterly shocked and devastated by the event. He gives his son a tight hug, promising him that everything will be alright. Stiles hugs back, grateful to have his dad with him right now. He cries into his dad's shirt as the pain overwhelms him again, but Stiles feels safe in his dad's arms. He makes Stiles feel like that maybe everything really will be okay. Stiles knows that his dad will protect him. John just wishes that he knew about all of this sooner so he could have helped Stiles, Kara and Macy stop Tristan from performing the Kiss of Death on Scott. Stiles sighs, knowing that was a fault on his part. He should have told his dad about this straight away and then maybe none of this would have happened.

Along with his dad, the pack are all there to comfort and support Stiles through this difficult situation as well. They have all lost a friend, a leader. None of them really know what to do now, but they have to find a way to keep pushing on somehow, protecting Beacon Hills from further supernatural attacks. Stiles and his friends return to school that Monday, trying to pretend that everything is normal. The teachers ask Stiles many times about where Scott is as of late, but Stiles never says anything. He really doesn't know where Scott is or what he's doing. After a week or so, the teachers stop asking, but they can't help but feel concerned. The four weeks from the night of the full moon are painful and dreadfully long for Stiles and he doesn't see how it is ever going to get better. He just somehow drags himself through the day, trying to not get too emotional, but it's hard. Especially at night. He has a lot of nightmares and wakes up screaming and crying. Kara and his dad try to calm him down, but it takes about 10 minutes for Stiles to recover from the nightmare. Even then, he's still distraught about Scott still being gone. After a nightmare, he can never get back to sleep. There are times where Stiles will start screaming and shouting about how unfair this all is, usually kicking something over, throwing something, and once he accidentally shattered a window as he let his emotions consume him and his powers. Stiles just wonders when this torture will end.

As for Scott, things couldn't be going better for him. Tristan has been teaching Scott everything he knows about being a siren. Tristan is pleased with Scott's progress. It doesn't take long for Scott to master some of their basic powers, including telekinesis, water manipulation, invisibility and the siren song. Tristan has also shown him how to perform the Kiss of Death, in case Scott ever wants to try it one day. Scott and Tristan rise back up to the surface, near a beach, so they can try out Scott's siren song and see if it really will jury people to them. To Scott's pleasure, he manages to lure people into the ocean where they either drown or smash up against rocks. Scott enjoys feeding off their hopes and dreams that these people never got to live. There is also something satisfying to him, watching as the life leaves someone. The more that Scott practices the siren song, he starts to become more and more of a monster, something he used to fear being. Now, Scott is embracing it openly. The darkness continues to consume Scott more and more, making Scott less and less like who he used to be.

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