10: Safe... For Now

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Stiles POV

Once we pull finally apart, I glance back over to Samantha's body. Scott looks over at her too. "I wish there was another way... I really didn't want to kill her. Taking a life isn't an easy thing, even if it is someone that you hate with all your heart." I tell Scott. He gives my hand a comforting squeeze.

"You did the right thing, Stiles. You saved my life and you've prevented her from hurting anyone else ever again. I would have killed her too, if I was given the chance. There was no saving her. She was too far gone." Scott tells me.

"I know," I reply with a nod, the numb feeling inside of me slowly fading away. I think this whole process is a lot easier, knowing that Samantha understands why I did what I had to do and even thanked me for it. I think it's helping ease my conscience. I don't want this to eat away at me for the rest of my life. "I love you, Stiles. I love you so much." Scott says, looking at me with admiration. "I love you too, Scott. I won't let anything like this happen to you again, I promise." I reply before I lean in towards Scott for a passionate kiss. Scott happily kisses back, wrapping his arms around me. Eventually, we pull apart.

"I don't think we should be doing this here. Also, we should probably call the cops so they can take the body away. I'm sure they'll be confused about the icicle piercing through her stomach, but they have no reason to blame us." Scott suggests as he looks over to Samantha again.

"Okay." I reply in agreement. I watch as Scott pulls out his phone and call 911.


Once the cops have arrived and we have answered their questions, we walk out of the woods. I have to have Scott's arm slung around my shoulder and I help him walk because he's still feeling quite weak from the spell. I'm glad that my dad wasn't here for this because I'm sure he would ask a hell of a lot more questions. However, I'm sure Parrish is going to tell him all about it. Scott and I walk back towards town with Scott leaning heavily against my shoulder. We walk in peaceful silence, just glad that we have each other's company. "I don't want to lose you like that again, Scott. It hurts too much to lose you like that." I admit after a while.

"Don't worry, Stiles. You won't lose me again. I'll always be here by your side. I love you and nothing can change that." Scott tells me as we walk closer to town.

"I'm so glad I have you." I smile gratefully at my boyfriend.

"And I feel the same way about you." Scott replies with a chuckle as he nudges me in the ribs.

"Now that Samantha is finally gone for good, I actually feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders." Scott admits.

"Yeah, me too. It's like we don't have to look behind us every five seconds anymore." I reply in agreement.

"I'm sure something will happen in senior year to make us get back into that habit." Scott laughs.

"Yeah, I'd rather that not happen." I remark.

"I know it's barely been a day since the whole Samantha putting a spell on you thing happened, but I missed you so much, Scott. I felt so lost and helpless. It reminded me of how much I need you." I tell Scott with a smile as we enter the outskirts of Beacon Hills. "Obviously my experience was different to yours, but I never really left. Well, not completely anyway. I was trapped in my own mind. I just had to watch as my body and mouth did and said all of those awful things. It was the worst thing that I have ever experienced. I screamed for myself to stop doing something, but it wouldn't work, no matter how hard I tried. I listened to everything that everyone said. I was touched by how much you defended me and how you didn't give up on me when everyone else had. Thank you for that, Stiles. I know that I can always depend on you." Scott tells me with a smile of his own.

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