33: Reminders

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Stiles POV

"Scott, just listen to me, okay? This isn't you. You're not a siren." I begin to plea desperately as I struggle to hold his hands back.

"Oh yeah? I look like a siren to me, Stiles. And I'm happy. I enjoy the power and the darkness." Scott replies harshly, quickly shutting me down. I'm not going to give up that easily though. Scott should know that about me by now.

"Scott, please, I know that you don't want to do this. I know you." I reply as I hold Scott back from clenching my own throat. I'm pretty sure being strangled wouldn't be a pleasant way to die. "Then you don't know me at all, Stiles. I am not that person anymore and I don't want to be." Scott sneers at me, clearly no longer concerned about killing me fast. His hands starting to relax in my hold, no longer fighting so hard to break free. I suddenly get the feeling that Scott now thinks that killing me slowly would be better. I mean, killing me probably would destroy any remnants of his old life. If he wants to go full siren and never turn back, then I am the last obstacle standing in the way of that.

"That's the thing, Scott. I do know you. Deep down, you are still Scott McCall. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I should have protected you better. Let me protect you now. Let me save you." I tells the siren version of Scott a little breathlessly.

"You should've protected me before. You should've fought for me before. Now look at me. You only have yourself to blame for this." Scott states coldly, no emotion in his dark eyes or on his pale face.

"I know, I know. And I'm sorry, Scotty. I'm so sorry." I almost whisper in a heartbroken tone as more tears pour down my face. I still am holding onto Scott's ice cold wrists with my hands, keeping the siren away from me. "Don't be sorry. This is actually so much fun. I love the feeling of putting someone under my spell and luring them to their deaths. I love the sense of power and control. I'm not being held back by anyone. I can do what I want." Scott replies with a sadistic smile. I shiver a little in fear, scared of how corrupted Scott has become.

"You know what though, Scott? You might say that you love all of this, but I think deep down there is a part of you that doesn't. There is a part of you that hates it and so badly just wants his life to go back to the way it was. There is a part of you that hates what you have become. Do yourself a favor and don't lie to yourself. You're scared about what has happened to you. This is your way of you numbing the pain and fear." I conclude, looking at Scott up and down, studying his body language and movements carefully. Scott scoffs and shakes his head at the very idea. "Ridiculous. Sirens don't have emotions. And neither do I. I don't need you, Stiles. In fact, I'd be better off with you dead. That's why I'll enjoy tearing your throat out with my teeth." Scott says, showing his sharp fangs to me, prepared to lunge forward and sink those deadly fangs into my neck.

"I don't believe that. And I don't think you do either. If you did, then you would have killed me already. You wouldn't be listening to me right now." I say bravely, taking a deep breath. I manage to stop crying as well and lift my head up a little higher. Scott suddenly pulls his wrists out of my hands and swims closer to me, getting very close to my face. "I could kill you easily." Scott hisses at me angrily, trying his best to threaten me.

"Then why don't you just kill me already?" I challenge him, raising my eyebrows a little and move forwards slightly as well. Scott swims back ever so slightly, causing me to smile in satisfaction. Scott still says nothing. He just glares at me harshly, trying not let any emotions show on his face. It's hard for me to look into Scott's pitch black eyes without breaking down or losing it or something, but I somehow manage to do it. "Deep down, you know that you can't kill me." I state with a small, satisfied smile still on his face. "Why not?" Scott scowls at me in annoyance.

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