22: Double Date - Part Two

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Kira POV

"Where are those boys?" Malia asks me out of curiosity and impatience as she looks around the cafe. I can't help but giggle at my girlfriend. "Relax, Malia. It has just gone past 1pm. Give them some time to get here." I say as I reach over and grab the werecoyote's hand, squeezing it comfortingly. Malia looks over at me with her big brown eyes. "Okay." She huffs, trying her best to look annoyed, but I know that it's only a show. She's never annoyed around me, which is a humbling feeling. She loves me too much to be in a bad mood. Otherwise, I'm able to quickly calm her down. I know Malia would do the same for me. I love her too much as well.

Malia huffs impatiently and quickly picks up a menu. I watch as her eyes scan over the options. "Does anything look good on there?" I ask curiously.

"Ugh, I wish they had deer." Malia grumbles. I can't help but giggle to myself. Malia is so cute when she's in a huff like this. Then again, she's always cute. And beautiful. I'm so lucky to have a girl like her. "You do know that humans don't normally have deer you can eat in cafes, right? It's just something that doesn't happen. Deer isn't everyone's favorite food." I remind my girlfriend. Malia looks up at me with her big brown eyes.

"That's a shame. It really is nice, you should try it sometime." Malia tells me.

"No thanks, I think I'm good. I'll just stick to my usual range of food. I'm not a very daring person when it comes to trying new food." I reply, turning offer down politely. Malia shrugs in defeat and looks back at the menu.

"Then I guess I'll just have whatever you're having." Malia says as she hands over the menu to me. I nod in understanding before I glance down the menu and look at all my options. "I guess we will go with a Caesar salad then?" I suggest as I glance back up at Malia. She nods in agreement. "Yeah, sure. I would have no idea what else to get." She replies. I hand her the menu again and tell her to choose a drink. As Malia scans the drink menu, I hear the door of the cafe open. I glance over and smile brightly as I see Scott and Stiles step into the cafe.

"Hi! Over here!" I wave to my two friends. They quickly spot Malia and I and they rush over to our table and sit down.

"Ugh, finally. You guys took forever." Malia says as she looks up from the menu to glance at the boys sitting across from us. "Hi, yeah, sorry about that. We got caught in traffic." Scott apologizes.

"Well, you're here now. We were only just deciding what we want for lunch." I speak up, gesturing to the menu in Malia's hands. "Cool. How have you two been anyway? Have you been waiting here long?" Stiles asks curiously as Malia hands over the menu to Scott. "Probably only 10 minutes ago we arrived here, so it's not like we have been waiting ages for you guys." I chuckle, causing Malia to blush slightly.

"Sorry, I just don't like waiting that much. It makes me anxious." Malia says. I smile softly at her and take her hand in mine, squeezing it gently. "It's alright, Malia. I understand." I tell her reassuringly. Malia smiles gratefully at me.

"Yeah, as someone that can barely manage to sit still for long periods of time, especially if they are waiting or are excited about something, I know exactly where you're coming from." Stiles adds. I watch as Scott nudges Stiles in the shoulder, holding out the menu for him to take. Stiles grabs the menu and starts reading over the options. "Other than that though, how have you two been?" Scott asks Malia and I. We exchange a look before we answer Scott's question.

"We've been good, yeah. Our relationship is continuing to grow and get stronger each day. Sometimes we will bicker about silly things, but at the end of the day, we both know that it doesn't really matter." I answer my friend. Scott smiles when he hears that. Stiles does too as he reads over the menu. "I love Kira very much and feel very lucky to have her in my life." Malia adds in agreement. Stiles looks up when he hears that with a proud expression on his face.

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