45: Meeting Moselle

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Stiles POV

I wake up early the next morning to hear my alarm going off. I groan in annoyance and slowly sit up and open my eyes. I turn off my alarm, feeling disorientated and grumpy for being up this early. It's not even light out yet! I grab my phone and see that it's 5:20am. I groan again, wondering why I wanted to get up this early. My hear plummets when I do figure it out moments later. I'm supposed to be going to Atlantia with Dad today to meet with Thalassa and Moselle. Dread courses through me as scenarios run through my head. I was confident in wanting to go yesterday, but now, I really really don't want to go. It'll make everything feel more... Real. I try to picture myself getting married to this mystery girl. I shudder at the horrifying thought, especially when I picture us kissing. Nope. I don't want to do that. No way. It doesn't matter if she is the most gorgeous girl in the world or the ugliest. I'd hate it either way. The only person I want to kiss and marry is Scott. He is the one I want to be with for the rest of my life.

Why did my parents ever think that an arranged marriage would be good anyway? What if Moselle and I didn't get along? Would they call it off? Could Dad and Thalassa call it off now if we don't get along? Besides, why wouldn't my parents let me choose my own future and my own partner? Why didn't they want me to marry someone that I could choose myself? I know that Dad thought that if he introduced the two of us at a young age and let us grow up together that we would eventually fall in love, but still. That's a big risk.

I yawn tiredly as I slowly get out of bed and turn my bedside light on so I can actually see while getting dressed. I could use my other eyes to see in the dark, but that just seems kinda silly, when I could just turn the light on. I walk over to the drawers, open one of them and start pulling out a bunch of clothes. I decide on wearing a dark green shirt that Scott lent to me some time ago that I never returned. It's slightly big on me, but it is really comfy and reminds me of Scott. Today, I think I'll need that reminder, even if the shirt will disappear while I'm underwater. I grab some black jeans and then proceed to change out of my pajamas into the clothes that I picked out. I then slip on some socks and shoes. I give my hair a quick brush, getting rid of any tangles. I then rush downstairs and make myself some breakfast. Once I'm done, I go back upstairs where I brush my teeth. I don't know why Dad wanted to leave so early today, but I have decided not to question it. I just have to go along with all of this. I don't really have a choice.

Once I have finished brushing my teeth, I spit the toothpaste into the sink and rinse my mouth out. I then leave the bathroom and back into my bedroom. I grab my phone and unlock it. I don't have any missed calls or new messages, which is understandable, since it is still very early in the morning. I smile at my home screen for a moment. It's a photo of Scott and I together, our arms slung around each other's shoulders. We both look so happy and in love in that photo. It's definitely a photo that I plan on keeping. I then shake myself out of my wandering thoughts and open up my messages. I press on the tab that takes me to my text conversation with Scott. I bite my lip slightly as I try to think about what to write. I need to tell him what's going on. I didn't get the chance to yesterday. Well, I guess I could've told him late afternoon when he came over to my house for about an hour or so just to visit, but I was just too worried about what he might think. I'm so scared of hurting Scott because of this horrid situation. It would be so easy to hurt him too. Scott promises me that everything will be okay and that we can get through it together, and I am determined to make that happen. I still just worry about Scott being hurt because the last thing I want to do is hurt Scott. That wouldn't be fair. I suck in a breath before I begin typing.

Stiles: Good morning, Scotty :)

Stiles: I know that you're probably not up yet, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm going down to Atlantia today. I don't know how long I'll be. I'm meeting with Moselle and her mother. It is something that is kind of well overdue, according to my dad.

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