13: Lacrosse Training is Hell

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Stiles POV

The next couple days of school pass by uneventfully. The most memorable thing is Greenburg getting yelled at by Coach for sending him texts when he doesn't even know how the teenager got his phone number. Still, that seems to be a normal occurrence; Coach yelling at students, particularly Greenburg. I also got another wave of leg pains yesterday, but that isn't something I would like to remember. I just spent the day lying around the house, unable to do much at all but to wait out the pain. Scott came to see me after school, of course. That made me feel a lot better. It's now Friday morning and Kara and I are eating breakfast at the dining room table. "I can't believe how much homework I've got already." Kara groans in dismay.

"Ha, my teachers have been kind this week. I've got barely anything." I tease.

"Lucky you." Kara scowls. Her eyes flash green for a moment and the crust of her toast flies towards me.

"Hey!" I chuckle in protest as I dodge the flying crust. It lands somewhere on the ground behind me.

"I'm sure the teachers will give me more than enough homework soon. I'll probably end up having more than you." I add. "I hope so." Kara huffs, flipping her hair over her shoulder. I chuckle and shake my head at the mermaid.

"I can't believe I'm spending my senior year at land school, ugh. I should be at my ocean school in Ocacan." Kara comments between her mouthfuls of toast. "Yes, but you stayed for Isaac. I'm sure he really appreciates that. Besides, I think you like it more than you let on." I smirk. Kara blushes slightly and looks down.

"Yeah, yeah, okay Stiles, you got me..." She mumbles under her breath.

"Isaac should really appreciate your sacrifice. Legs are a huge pain to have and land school is even more so." I tell her.

"Should Scott be grateful too then?" Kara asks as she looks over at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Well, I guess so." I shrug in response. Sure, Scott is the main reason why I'm still living in Beacon Hills, but I also wouldn't want to leave any of my other friends behind either. I can put up with school and the occasional leg pains for them. "I think we're really lucky that we've already found the people that we want to be with for the rest of our lives." Kara sighs happily as she finishes her toast. "You want to be with Isaac for the rest of your life? That's a long time." I ask Kara curiously. She blushes, but nods in response. "Yeah, I think I do. He's the one for me, Stiles. I've had other boyfriends before, but none of my previous relationships have felt like the one I have with Isaac." Kara explains to me.

"That's really sweet." I smile.

"What about you? Can you imagine you and Scott being together for the rest of your lives?" Kara asks me curiously.

"Yeah, I can. I love Scott with all my heart and that's never going to change. I'm so happy that he loves me too. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I can't imagine myself being with anyone else." I reply with a dreamy smile as I start to think about my boyfriend. Kara giggles and nods in understanding. "I always thought you had chemistry together. The way you talked about him, the way you looked at him and how you always forgave him for everything." Kara says with a wink. "Yeah, I guess I wasn't so subtle in the end, was I?" I shake my head slightly with a small smile.

"Nope, but it was enough to hide your feelings from Scott for a while. Then again, he was oblivious to his own feelings, so..." Kara answers me.

"Well, some of that was only because of Samantha." I point out.

"But not all of it." Kara reminds me. I look down at my phone to check the time.

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