83: Stiles' Bad Dreams

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Scott POV

Eventually, I pull up alongside a glasses store. I park the motorbike, unstrap my helmet and jump off the bike. I leave my helmet on my bike before I walk inside and have a look around for some sunglasses. The store is relatively quiet and not that busy, which I am very grateful for. It's probably because it's a Sunday morning. I doubt many people would be out and about at this time on a Sunday morning. I can't help but wonder when Stiles' dad, Moselle and Kara will be back. I hope they're not too far away. They need to know what happened to Stiles, especially John. I start thinking about school tomorrow. If the school day isn't cancelled due to destruction of the school caused by the storm, I know that I'll have to go, but should Stiles go? Or is it too soon? How can he go to school if he is blind? He won't be able to do any of the work. If the teachers find out that he is blind, then they will be suspicious and shocked if his eyesight just randomly healed one day. That wouldn't be good for any of us. I think that Stiles should stay home for a few days, just to see how his eyes heal. Maybe he will get his eyesight back... Maybe not. We will just have to wait and see. I just want myself to know that there will be two possible outcomes to this and that I know that I'll know how to deal with either of the situations. Anyway, that's a problem for later. Right now, I'm looking out for some sunglasses for Stiles.

I look down the aisles and gaze at the rows of sunglasses that they have available here. Stiles wasn't specific with the kind of sunglasses he wanted (not that it really matters, since he can't see), but as I know him so well, I have a bit of an idea on what he might like and what would suit him. I continue to look around at the sunglasses, my mind wandering elsewhere. Somehow, I think that Moselle, Kara and John will somehow find a way to feel guilty about what happened to Stiles and think that it is their fault somehow. I don't want that to happen. Stiles is blaming himself enough and it's not even his fault. It's no one's fault. I'm just relieved that we're all alive. That's the important thing. I just hope Stiles will manage to forgive himself someday. There is really only so much I can do for him. He's the only one that can stop blaming himself for what happened.

"Can I help you, sir?" A voice asks from behind me, making me jump slightly. I turn around to see one of the store workers standing behind me, gazing at me curiously. I shake my head quickly. "No, no, I'm good. Just trying to find some sunglasses. I think I've decided." I reply before gazing back down at a pair of black sunglasses. These ones will do. I don't want to be here too long, in case Stiles wakes up and freaks out when he finds that I'm not there. I grab the sunglasses and head over to the counter where I pay for them and then head on out of the store, back to my motorbike. I quickly jump on, place the sunglasses in my jacket and strap on my helmet. I then start the engine and begin to drive away from the store, wind rushing past me, people and buildings passing by me in a blur. It doesn't take me long to get back to my house. I park the bike in driveway, quickly jumping off and walking up to the front door, holding my helmet in my hand. I grab my keys and quickly unlock the door, stepping into the house. I place my helmet down and stuff my keys back into my pocket before I shut the front door and begin walking further into the house. I make my way up the stairs quietly, back to my room. I pull out the sunglasses from my pocket and slowly enter the room as quietly as I can.

I smile softly down at Stiles as I notice him still sleeping peacefully on my bed. I place the new sunglasses down on the nightstand, sitting down on the edge of the bed, next to Stiles, still watching him. Once again, I can't help but notice how cute he looks when he sleeps. It's nice to see him without worry or fear on his face. It's always easiest to see someone completely at peace when they're sleeping. I'm sure Stiles would think the same about me. Despite being happy and totally in love, I know that there is still a part of me that worries about what might happen next, who else will try to hurt us, or who is going to get killed next. I know that's not a good thing to always be worrying about, but after everything that my friends and I have been through, I'm pretty sure this reaction is the most normal thing to have.

Forever and Always (Sciles)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt