127: Guilt, Desperation and Fear

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Third Person POV

Scott is just sitting at home, trying to complete his AP Biology homework when he suddenly gets a terribly sickening feeling in his stomach. Fear that is not his own washes over him, and Scott starts to feel panicked, his breathing becoming short and laboured. Scott feels like his body is in pain all over, but he can't see any physical injuries. The sickening feeling in his stomach continues to worsen, and he feels a sudden need to get out of the house and start running somewhere, and Scott is at a loss for what this all could mean for a moment or so. Suddenly, it hits him, and his eyes go wide with fear and his stomach feels like it drops into the floor.

"Stiles!" Scott exclaims out loud and he jumps up from his chair and races to his already open window. He jumps onto the sill and doesn't hesitate before he leaps off of that and hurtles towards the ground. He lands neatly on his feet and takes off as fast as he can, adrenaline and fear coursing through his body. Scott doesn't know where he's going exactly, but he knows he just had to follow his instinct, and he will eventually find Stiles.

Meanwhile, at the restaurant, Ben and Lydia are about to have a toast, when suddenly, Lydia goes very cold, as does the room around her. At least for her, anyway. Her breath comes out in a mist, and she can hear faint screaming and crying. It gets louder and louder until she finally hears Stiles' pained and terrified scream silence all of the others. She gets a momentary vision of the abandoned house full of artefacts down on that creepy abandoned street before Lydia snaps back to reality.

Lydia gasps in horror and she accidentally drops the glass, and the drink spills all over the table. Ben immediately puts his own drink down, stands up and rushes to Lydia's side.

"Lydia, are you okay? What's wrong?" Ben asks worriedly as he places a comforting hand on the banshee's shoulder.

"We have to get to that abandoned house now! I think Stiles is in trouble." Lydia tells Ben urgently. Ben doesn't need to be told twice, especially when it's his best friend that is in danger. He grabs Lydia's hand and they rush out of the restaurant, paying the bill as quickly as they can. They rush to Lydia's car and quickly jump in. Lydia starts the engine and drives away probably a little over the speed limit, but she doesn't care. All she cares about right now is getting to Stiles in time before it's too late. Lydia glares at the road in front of her harshly as she continues to drive towards the house and the street that started all of this mess.

As for the Sheriff, he has decided that he is going to explore the creepy abandoned house again one more time, just to make sure that there is no more evidence lying around that the Sheriff's department somehow might have missed. He also thinks it's a good idea to take the evidence now before people who are way too curious for their own good try and take a sneak peak. The Sheriff knows that his son would love to do that if he got the chance, so the sooner he takes the strange objects away from the house where the suicide took place, the better. The whole place gave the Sheriff the creeps and it wouldn't surprise him if the house was actually haunted.

As a result of all of this, the Sheriff finds himself driving towards the creepily and eerily quiet street that seems to have been abandoned a long time ago with the house that someone committed suicide at. The Sheriff even noticed that the trees are silent on this particular street, which makes the Sheriff even more worried that something very strange could be happening there, so that's part of the reason why he decided to block it off to the rest of the public. Not that everyone would follow his rules, of course, but he likes to think they would. Either way, the Sheriff wants to make sure that there is nothing dangerous left in that house, so he has to go back, even though the place creeps him out a little.

Meanwhile, Stiles has his eyes scrunched up in pain as the demon continues to twist the shard of the broken mirror around in Stiles' stomach. The demon is definitely enjoying this, liking to see someone suffer and be in pain. Aggineth smirks in satisfaction, taking note of all of the blood soaking through Stiles' shirt and the small, but probably wounds in Stiles' skin due to the small pieces of the mirror being lodged into his face and his arms.

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