96: Curiosity

298 21 7

Stiles POV

The next couple of days pass by relatively okay. Ben hasn't destroyed the house or blown his secret to the world while I've had to leave him alone yet, so that's obviously a good thing. Ben seems to be loving land so far and is even getting Lydia and Kira to teach him some of the basic things we learn at school. It's good to see that Ben has somehow managed to save himself from that comment he made about Lydia the other day. Usually, Lydia would either ignore or completely sass the person, but she seems to be getting along fine with Ben. Typical. It took basically 10 years for Lydia even to start talking to me, but it takes only a couple of meetings and a weird compliment for Lydia to become friends with Ben.

School is just boring and now I'm getting loaded up with a lot of assignments, which I hate. I swear the teachers decide to work together and coordinate the assignments to create the best possible hell for students. I honestly wouldn't be surprised. I feel like Coach would be the ringleader. He still has it in for me because of how I acted towards him and while I was in his class when I was under that stupid love potion. I hate the consequences of that almost as much as I hate the guilt of it. No matter what happens and no matter whether I forgive myself for it or not, the world won't let me forget about it, and it's really annoying. All I want to do is forget about it, but nope, that clearly won't happen. Oh well. I've just gotta try and focus on other things.

On this Friday morning as I'm walking out of my third period class, talking to Scott whether or not we want to go to Bradley Johnson's party tonight, I notice the principal in the middle of the hallway talking to none other than Ben. My eyes widen in surprise and I exchange a confused look with Scott, who is standing by my side, holding my hand. Ben isn't supposed to be here, so what's going on?

"What's all that about?" Scott asks me.

"No idea. Let's go find out." I suggest before starting to walk over to Ben and the principal, pulling Scott along with me by the hand. Ben notices me approach and gives me a smile and waves frantically. The principal turns around and notices me too with a slightly dazed look on his face. Oh god, please tell me Ben didn't do what I think he just did. I take in a deep breath and continue walking over to Ben and Principal Higgins.

"Oh, hey Stiles. Just the person I needed. Principal Higgins here was asking who I was and why I'm at this school, considering I haven't been enrolled here. I told him that you're my cousin and I've come to visit you from the other side of the country and to see what your school is like. Isn't that right, cuz?" Ben tells me, a slightly desperate and pleading look in his eyes, silently begging me to go along with this. I exchange another weary look with Scott, silently asking for help, wondering why the hell Ben wanted to sneak into the school, but if I don't go along with this, I'm pretty sure Dad will get mad at the both of us. I know Dad wouldn't like this. Scott shrugs, signalling that he can't help and that it has to be my call. I turn back to face Ben and Principal Higgins with the biggest grin I can muster.

"Right you are... Cousin." I reply slightly awkwardly. Principal Higgins nods, apparently satisfied with that explanation.

"Huh. Didn't know you had any cousins, Stiles. Anyway, I'm still going to have to call the Sheriff, just in case he doesn't know where you are, Ben-" the principal begins, but Ben quickly interrupts.

"No! Don't do that!" He says with wide eyes and quickly makes the principal face him.

"Why not?" Principal Higgins asks suspiciously.

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