107: A Terrifying Discovery

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Stiles POV

We keep running and running, back towards where Lydia turned off into a different tunnel. Once we get to that tunnel, we don't hesitate to keep rushing through, not slowing down once, even though I'm beginning to get puffed out and my lungs are starting to hurt. I want to call out for Lydia, but I know that is a dangerous idea because there could be something else, something unwanted, listening in on us.

Eventually, after a few more minutes of panicked running, Ben and I come to an extremely sudden stop, and I almost fall over because of how fast I skidded to a halt. We stare in horror and confusion at the sight in front of us, not expecting it at all. We've moved out of a tunnel now and into a much larger cavern that seems to stretch out far and wide. All around the cavern though are rocky mounds or pillars, the purple light continuing to run through the walls and head towards the centre of the cave, towards the massive rock pillar that seems to be holding up the cave. All of the purple light seems to be coming from that general area and continues to spread out and grow among these underground caves. The purple rock pillar right in the middle almost looks alive with energy.

That's not the most creepy thing though, even if it is a close second. The creepiest thing is that there seem to be these large cocoon shaped things all around us, on the walls or the ground, but there seems to be a few roots of purple light growing around them, which make their way to the centre of the room where the origin of purple light seems to be.

"What the hell?" I whisper in shock as I gaze around me in fear, wondering what exactly lives here. Ben and I exchange another confused and worried look, not sure what to do. I guess we better take a closer look at those cocoon things. I hope there aren't giant caterpillars in them or something. That'd just be super gross.

I follow Ben to one of the cocoons on the wall and we have a closer look at it. It looks almost like it is alive and breathing, which freaks me out a little bit. I notice that there seems to be some sort of window-like thing near the top of the cocoon, so you can peer inside it, I guess.

Ben and I both look at each other for a moment, having a silent conversation on whether or not we should look to see what's inside. Eventually, we seem to silently agree on that we should look. I take a deep breath and then the two of us move closer to the cocoon, bend over it and look down into the sort of window thing, and I'm horrified by what I see. This is so much worse than a giant caterpillar. Instead, lying there in the cocoon thing, is a person. They are unconscious, of course. It looks like they're floating in a weird sort of liquid. Not quite water, but some sort of plasma, maybe. I shriek in fright, stumble backwards in shock and then I fall to the floor.

"Stiles, are you okay?" Ben asks worriedly as he rushes over to me and helps me up.

"No! Are you?" I ask Ben incredulously. Ben sighs and shakes his head.

"There's... There's an actual person in there, Ben! We don't even know if they're alive or not!" I exclaim, almost on the verge of a panic attack.

"I think they're still alive, but I don't know for how much longer. See these purple roots going from the cocoon right to the massive rock pillar in the middle of this cave? I think something is draining this person's life source and energy. It would probably be excruciating, but I guess whatever liquid they are in, it's sort of a pain killer and a sedative. If this person has been here a couple of days, I don't think they'll be lasting much longer." Ben informs me as he frowns and examines the cocoon again, along with the weird purple roots growing all around the cocoon all the way back to the massive rock beacon pillar thing in the middle of the room.

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