3: The Truth Comes Out

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Stiles POV

I'm worried about Scott. I have been for a while now, but within the last few days, he has seemed to be even more on edge. I know that he isn't telling me something. He's hiding something from me. I don't understand why he doesn't think he can tell me whatever it is that is bothering him. All I want to do is help him through it. I don't want him to suffer alone, just as Scott wouldn't want me to suffer alone. It's now Wednesday night and I'm sitting in my jeep, contemplating what to do. I really need to confront Scott about this. He has been distant with me in the last couple of days, which probably has something to do with why he's acting weird in general. I tap my hands impatiently on the wheel, trying to figure out a plan. Eventually, I sigh as I quickly take out my phone and pull up my conversation with Scott.

Stiles: Scott, we need to talk.

Scott: Is everything okay?

Stiles: That depends on you.

Scott: Um... Okay. So, is there anywhere in particular that you want to meet?

Stiles: Meet me at the cliff overlooking Beacon Hills. Be there in 20.

Scott: Okay. See you then. Love you xx

Stiles: Love you too :)

I place my phone back into my pocket before I turn my keys in the ignition and start driving towards the woods.


I walk towards the cliff, listening to the leaves crunch beneath my feet. I really hope Scott is okay. I just don't understand why he wouldn't tell me if something is wrong. Is he trying to protect me? I hope he knows that I'll be able to handle whatever problem he has. I just want to help him and hopefully take some of the weight off Scott's shoulders. He has always been the one that carries everyone's burdens. I guess I'm like that too, but after the pack finding out about who and what I really am and after getting together with Scott, I definitely feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I just need Scott to know that I'll always be here to support him through thick and thin. I finally make it to the cliff. I walk up to the edge and sit down, dangling my feet over the ledge. It would be a nasty fall if I slipped or something. I wince as I imagine the impact and pain that I would be in. I stare out at the town of Beacon Hills for a few minutes, admiring the lights twinkling through the town. I then gaze up at the stars and the half full moon. Suddenly, I hear someone walking up behind me. I turn around to see that it's Scott. He makes his way over to me and sits next to me. "Hi, Stiles." Scott greets me with a smile. His eyes are filled with worry which his smile can't cover up, as much as he might make it try. His worry makes sense though, since he has no idea what this conversation could be about.

"Hey, Scott." I give him a small smile in return. Quickly, Scott's smile fades away as the rest of his face fills with concern.

"What's wrong? I've been fretting over what you needed to talk to me about the whole time I ran over here." Scott asks in a panic. I notice the bags under his bloodshot eyes. I notice his tensed muscles, ready to sprint into action if need be. He looks exhausted and a little bit afraid. I don't think it's about my text either. For a moment, I see a flash of horror in his eyes, almost as if he's remembering something horrible that happened here. He's been acting really uncomfortable ever since he walked over to me. Why is he nervous about the cliff? "I just wanted to ask if you were okay." I answer after another moment. Scott looks at me with confusion. "What do you mean, Stiles? Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" Scott tries to laugh it off, but I don't buy it. I sigh in annoyance. There goes my plan for being gentle and easing into this conversation. I stand up and walk slightly away from the cliff's edge. I hear Scott stand up too. I spin around to face my boyfriend. "Why won't you tell me the truth, Scott? Don't you trust me enough?" I ask as my eyes start to sting. Scott looks shocked at my question. "I-I don't know what you mean. Of course I trust you, Stiles! I trust you more than anyone and you know that! I love you with all my heart!" Scott replies with wide and innocent eyes.

Forever and Always (Sciles)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum