53: An Exciting and Hopeful Discovery

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Stiles POV

The rest of the night goes really well. We both get to know each other a lot more. We laugh and talk the night away, both of us genuinely having a good time. The smiles aren't as forced now and the conversations don't sound as scripted. I think we are at least becoming friends, which is something I didn't expect to happen. I thought I would just have to pretend and fake everything, including my smiles and interest in conversations. It is good to learn more about Moselle, and I'm sure she learns more about me too. Of course I don't tell her about my relationship with Scott. If she found out, this whole thing could be over. I can't have that. I make sure to focus on keeping my big mouth shut. Usually, I just blurt out any random information I want to and it takes a lot of control to filter the randomness of everything that I'm thinking and want to express out loud.

By the end of the night, I was surprised how well it went, despite all of the circumstances. I didn't even really see it as a date. I just felt like I was getting to know Moselle, as a friend. I'm not sure if she sees it the same way, because her mom obviously won't. Still, I gave her a hug when I dropped her off back at her house and thanked her for the great time that we had tonight and she thanked me back. We exchanged goodbyes and I told her that I would see her soon. Moselle waved back in response and then I walked away from the apartment, the front door closing behind me. I got Moselle home by 11, just like I told her mom. I'm glad I didn't run into Thalassa again though. She makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm not really sure why, but it's probably because she wants Moselle and I to get married so much. I made my way back to my jeep and drove home.

When I got home, I went straight to my room and called Scott, telling him everything about the evening. He said that he was glad that I had a good time, but I could hear a slight wobble in his voice. I knew that he was lying just so he could keep me happy. It made me sad to think about that, but I didn't say anything about it. By the end of the conversation, I told Scott that I loved him and that I would see him soon. I then hung up the phone and got ready for bed. Dad and Kara came in about 10 minutes later and asked about the date, so I had to explain the story to them too. Dad looked happy about how my night went, but Kara looked quite... Sour. I'm getting the feeling that she doesn't like Moselle or her mom too much. I know how she feels. I still hate Thalassa for doing this too. As for Moselle, she's very hard to hate. She's kind and sweet and definitely deserves to marry someone that she loves. I know I can't be that person, despite the pushing from our families, but I am happy to be her friend. I just wish she could find someone that could love and appreciate her for who she is. She deserves better than me, who can never really give her that because my heart belongs with Scott and always will be. This whole arranged marriage thing is stupid. All it is doing is hurting people. Why can't Thalassa see that? Dad can see the damage of it, but he still doesn't want to break the agreement with Thalassa, afraid she will get angry and start a war, which would be disastrous. I really don't want to see a second war. The war with Vanessa was bad enough and it completely changed my life forever.

The next few weeks pass by okay. Moselle and I continue to go out a few more times together, just getting to know each other. It's kind of nice, but I hate how it's always stressed that it is a date and that we will be getting married once I graduate. I hate that. Moselle is getting adjusted into school now too. She seems enthusiastic to be there, since she wants to learn as much as she can about land and all, but there are a couple classes which she hates with a passion. She hangs out with my group of friends and I now, and it seems to be working well enough. There is some obvious tension, but most of my friends do their best to hide it, including Scott. As for Scott and I, well, we are both excited for our eight month anniversary that is coming up soon. Next week, actually. We've been planning it for a while now and I'm super excited. Scott says that he has got everything worked out, but he won't tell me what is happening, saying that it would ruin the surprise. It's really frustrating me to be honest. As nice as surprises are, they are also torture for me. I can't help but keep wondering and wondering where Scott is going to take us on our anniversary, but I can never be sure, since it is supposed to be a surprise. Scott and a few of the others laugh at my impatience and Scott says that he finds it cute. However, he also promised me that I will love where we are going and what he has planned, so I shouldn't worry about it. I guess it helps me calm down a little, but not by much. It's still a huge mystery to me and what with the whole Moselle situation, I really would like to know what is happening. However, I don't want to ruin whatever Scott has planned, so I let him continue on secretly and the two of us just talk about how excited we are for the anniversary and are surprised at how quickly the time has gone by. It still feels like yesterday when Scott rescued me from that fishing net, but he almost drowned and died in the process.

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