124: Brotherhood

208 14 1

Stiles POV

Later in the afternoon, closer to the evening actually, I'm finishing off an English essay when Ben comes walking into the room. I glance up at him curiously. He looks nervous for some reason, which makes me feel confused. What has Ben got to be nervous about?

"What's up, dude?" I ask as I lean back in my chair and turn to face my friend more, away from my homework. I can afford to take a break from the essay. Ben starts fidgeting with his hands, but doesn't say anything.

"How was your coffee with Lydia in town today? She texted me that's what you guys were doing." I ask, trying to get the conversation rolling.

"Actually, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about." Ben admits, stepping closer to me.

"What, coffee?" I frown in confusion. Ben just rolls his eyes and shakes his head at me.

"No, you dummy. I'm talking about Lydia." Ben replies.

"Okay? What about her?" I ask, raising an eyebrow skeptically at my friend.

"I'm just... I'm not sure if you're going to be okay with this, but I don't want to stop myself or Lydia from being happy." Ben begins to explain. I raise my eyebrow higher into the air, feeling slightly suspicious about this. Ben is still acting very nervous. I stand up from my chair and walk over to him.

"What's going on, Ben? Cut to the chase." I ask my friend seriously, who is still fidgeting with his hands and is finding it harder to look me in the eyes.

"Well... Lydia and I are going out on a date tonight, and I was wondering if you could me decide where I should take her." Ben answers after a few moments, and it looks like he is holding my breath until I respond again. On the inside, I'm smirking, because I just knew this would happen eventually, and I'm proud to say that I was right. I think Ben and Lydia would be a great couple, and be able to grow and develop as individuals, learning more about themselves and each other. However, I want to have a bit of fun with Ben first, so I do my best to put my most unhappiest expression on my face.

"What?" I ask, doing my best to sound upset. I watch as Ben's face fall dramatically.

"What do you mean by that? Are you not happy for us?" Ben asks worriedly.

"Why would I ever be happy about this? Dude, I had the biggest crush on Lydia for 9 or 10 years now! And then you, one of my greatest friends in the world, come along and decide to snatch Lydia up just like that?" I pretend to complain with an annoyed frown on my face. I think Ben is buying my act, and I do feel a little guilty for tricking Ben like this.

"I-I'm sorry, b-but I mean, it's not like you and Lydia are together. You're with Scott, and you're not in love with Lydia anymore..." Ben stutters, and he looks completely hurt, confused and taken aback by my reactions.

"So? She's one of my best friends, Ben! And so are you, so it's just... It's just weird! I've kissed her! I've even seen her naked. So, I just... I don't like it. No. Not at all. I was in love with Lydia for so long, and then you think you can just come around and basically take my place?" I respond, exaggerating and faking my annoyance and disappointment immensely. I watch as Ben's eyes almost bug out of his head.

"You saw her naked? You never told me that! You've barely even told me about when she kissed you!" Ben exclaims in protest, and I can see he's almost on the verge of tears, upset that his best friend won't support him, and I start feeling really bad. This joke was funny for maybe a moment, but now I just feel terrible for hurting the guy who is basically my brother, who is taking my every word seriously.

"I can't believe you, Stiles. This really upsets you that much?" Ben asks me in disappointment. I decide that the game is up and I need to tell Ben the truth before any serious damage is done.

Forever and Always (Sciles)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora