90: The Bully

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Stiles POV

After a few minutes of crying into my hands, my body shaking with small sobs, I hear someone walking into the locker room. I stop crying quickly and sniffle loudly. I look up and I blink rapidly, wiping the way the tears from my face, not wanting to look too upset in front of whoever it is approaching. I start to stand up and move forward, expecting it to be Scott or one of my friends. However, as the person steps into view from behind the lockers, I'm surprised to see that it isn't Scott any of my friends. Instead, it's a junior named Bradley. He's in the lacrosse team. That's the only reason I know his name.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" Bradley smirks as he walks up to me. I continue to wipe my eyes to try and hide the fact that I was crying and really upset, but I don't think it's doing much good.

"Stilinski. Were you crying?" Bradley asks me in a quiet voice.

"It doesn't matter." I respond, my voice shaking slightly. Bradley just chuckles before he rushes forward and shoves me in the chest, slamming me up against a locker in surprise. My back hits it with a bang and it starts to hurt. My eyes widen in surprise.

"What are you doing?" I ask the younger, but taller and more muscular boy, allowing him to keep me pinned against the locker.

"I just wanted to know. Who are you going to fuck next, Stilinski?" Bradley smirks at me again. I stare at him in horror.

"W-what do you mean?" I stutter ever so slightly, my heart starting to beat faster.

"Come on, Stiles. Don't act stupid. Everyone at this school knows what you've been doing. Once you broke up with Scott, for whatever stupid reason, you went straight to Moselle and started lip locking every single damn chance you got. You also tried to have sex wherever you could as well. It got annoying and gross really fast." Bradley tells me coldly. I don't say anything in return, but just stare back at Bradley harshly.

"Anyway, I can see that what you and Moselle has died as quickly as it started, so, my question is, who are you going screw with next? You've already messed with Scott and Moselle. Who else, Stiles?" Bradley jeers as he pushes my body harder into the locker. I could get him off me, but I'm in a frozen state right now, shock, guilt, shame, embarrassment and sadness all flowing through me.

"Not to mention all the people that you have kissed, but not necessarily been in a relationship with them. Heather, Lydia, Malia, Samantha, Scott and Moselle. There probably are more names, but I think this list is enough to prove what kind of person you are." Bradley tells me in a disgusted tone.

"Stop it, just leave me alone. How do you even know all of this?" I whisper as I finally start to push Bradley off me, but he refuses to budge. I could easily use my powers to get him off me, but I don't want to reveal myself, especially to this guy.

"No. I want to know whose heart you're going to break next. Do you even know how heartbroken you made Scott while you were with Moselle? Do you even care? Are you going to destroy anyone else's hearts? Should I give them a warning?" Bradley practically growls at me. I feel tears stinging my eyes slightly and I definitely regret ever coming to school today. I then notice a pair of glowing red eyes in the shadows of the doorway to the locker room. As the figure walks out of the shadow, his eyes fade back to brown. I watch as Scott walks up to Bradley with an angry expression on his face, being extremely quiet. Once he reaches us, he taps Bradley on the shoulder.

Bradley jumps slightly and turns around to see Scott giving him the fakest smile imaginable, and Bradley finally lets go of me, which I am grateful for. "No one's heart is going to be broken, Bradley. Stiles and I are both happy. Together." Scott tells the younger boy in a serious tone.

"Seriously? You're back together? Even after he broke your heart? That's kind of pathetic, Scott." Bradley laughs at Scott, and once again, I feel horrible and want to melt into the ground and die.

"You know what? It doesn't matter what you think." Scott scoffs before he shoves Bradley out of the way, walks over to me, cups my face in his hands and pulls me in for a kiss, closing his eyes. My eyes remain open due to my shock as well as the circumstances of this kiss not being ideal. I still enjoy the feeling of Scott's lips against mine though, and it does help me calm down. After a few moments, Scott pulls away and turns back to Bradley.

"I love Stiles, and he loves me. That's not going to change. Stiles didn't break my heart, it wasn't his fault, but I don't expect you to understand. I just want you to know that Stiles and I love each other very much." Scott states matter of factly before proceeding to punch Bradley in the face, resulting in the younger of the two boys to cry out in pain and stumble backwards, holding on to his nose.

"Stay away from my boyfriend, you judgemental, shallow and ignorant asshole. Otherwise, you'll be receiving quite a lot more than a simple punch to the face." Scott adds in a threatening voice. Bradley whimpers, but nods in understanding.

"Now, get the hell out of here." Scott demands, and Bradley quickly runs out of the locker room, faster than I was expecting. Scott turns back to me with an apologetic look, all the anger towards Bradley on his face completely gone.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, Stiles. He was an idiot. He doesn't know the true story. No one here does." Scott apologizes to me as he steps forwards, taking my hands in his, squeezing them gently. I sniffle a little again before nodding quickly in acknowledgement. "I know, I know. I just... I didn't expect to hear it all that abruptly. Is that really what everyone thinks of me?" I reply, my voice breaking a little bit as the tears fall down my face. Scott gazes at me sadly and uses one of his hands to wipe away the tears.

"I understand, Stiles. I really do. I wish I could somehow do something to stop kids like Bradley thinking stuff like that about you, but I can't just magically change people's minds, or erase them. Besides, that probably wouldn't be very ethical. It sucks thought that teenagers can be so cruel and ignorant. And yeah, okay, they don't think of you in the best possible light because of the love potion thing. I won't lie to you, what you did while you were under its influence, it didn't look good. Don't blame yourself for that though, it's not your fault. And in the end, it really doesn't matter what all those other people think. I love you, your friends love you and your dad loves you. That's all that matters. None of us blame you for what happened, Stiles. I can't emphasise that enough. No matter what you do, you can't make me not love you and stop me from wanting to be with you. I just hope that you can see that I really do love you. I can help you through this. School will be tough for a while, yes, but it will get better. And you have me. I'll make sure to stop any guys like Bradley from picking on you." Scott replies seriously.

"I love you too, Scott. With all my heart. And I know that you will always be here for me, no matter what, which I am grateful for. You do so much for me, even though you really don't have to. Thank you, for everything," I whisper back in response, meaning every word, my voice filled with emotion and wobbling slightly. The tears continue to well up in my eyes. As Scott starts to give me a soft and kind smile, I quickly pull Scott into a hug and bury my face into his shoulder. It doesn't take long for Scott to wrap his arms around me, holding me there. I wish we could stay like this forever, away from our problems.

"It's okay, Stiles. I'm here. You're safe. I'll always be here for you, just like you're always here for me." Scott reassures me quietly as he rubs my back soothingly.

"And hey, we still haven't had that eight month anniversary date yet. We should do that soon." Scott adds in a kind, loving voice with a light chuckle.

"I know." I mumble as I nuzzle my face into Scott's warm neck a bit more, extremely glad and grateful to have someone amazing as him as my boyfriend. He always gives me so much love and care, I feel unworthy of it, but he gives it to me anyway. I know I definitely love him just as much in return and would do anything for him.

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