48: Hospital Emergency

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Stiles POV

The rest of the week passes by seemingly smoothly. Moselle and Thalassa left the house at about 11pm that night. I forced myself to kiss Moselle on the cheek before she left, which I hated doing. I only had to glance at Scott for a second to know that he hated it too. Still, I'm glad that neither mermaid realized that there was something up between Scott and I. That would have been disastrous. I haven't seen Thalassa or Moselle since that night. Which I am completely okay with that. It's good that Thalassa has the decency to take this whole situation nice and slow. I'm still going to fight it all the way until the very end. Moselle is really and nice and all, but she isn't Scott. I could never love her (or anyone else, for that matter) the way I love Scott. I'm surprised Dad would think that I would just go with this marriage thing without a fuss or a sneaky plan to escape it. Or maybe he does, and he secretly wants me to succeed, so he's not saying anything? Who knows at this point, honestly. Everything in my life right now is just one gigantic mess.

Scott is still surprisingly calm about the whole arranged marriage thing, although I am worried that Scott is hiding how he is really feeling away from me. I know Scott and he would want to look strong in front of me, trying to convince me that everything will be okay when he really doesn't know if it will be. I do appreciate that about Scott, but sometimes I think it just makes Scott hurt more. I hope he is okay with this whole thing. He's the one that convinced me that we will get through this and we will find a way around it. I would be sad if Scott started losing hope. I know Scott was uncomfortable at that dinner the other night. We didn't speak about it, but nothing needed to be said. I was very uncomfortable at the dinner too. Kissing Moselle was the worst. It felt so wrong. Especially since I had to kiss her in front of my boyfriend. It hurts to think how shattered Scott must have been when he saw that. Kara looked just straight up angry after that dinner. She didn't say a word, but I could see the anger in her eyes. She shook her head in disbelief and rushed up to her bedroom and slammed the door shut. It's nice to know that she cares so much about me, but she doesn't have to worry herself silly over it for me. I can do that enough for myself. I hate this situation so much. There are times when I just can't handle it and I go up to my room where I scream and cry and throw things across the room. Dad or Kara will come in and ask if I'm okay, but I just shout at them to go away, and they do. I hope things will get better and easier. I hope that I will find a way to stop this damn wedding.

Right now, I'm in the Sheriff's station, sitting down on a sofa and tapping my hand against my knee, feeling bored. I am here waiting for my dad to finish his shift. He wanted to take me out for dinner tonight or something. I think he wants to talk to me about this whole Moselle mess. I don't want to, but I know that we should talk about it. I can see that Dad feels horrible about this whole situation and if he could get me out of it, he would. However, just because that's how he feels doesn't change the situation I'm in. I'm still forced to marry Moselle if I want to keep the peace between the two kingdoms. It sucks, it really sucks. Yet somehow, I know I'll find a way around it. Scott and I will be alright, I know it.

I glance over to my father's office and see him talking to Agent McCall. I wonder what they could be talking about, but I know better than to eavesdrop. I pull out my phone and start playing a game to pass the time while I listen to the cops talking to each other or talk into the phones around me. It brings back times to when I was younger when I had to stay at the Sheriff's station after school or something because I was too young to stay home on my own. This place is really familiar to me, just like the people who work here. Some of them even helped me with some of my homework, when they had the time to. I really appreciated that help. I continue playing the phone game, starting to get a little bored, but I have nothing better to do while I wait for my dad. I have half a mind of texting Scott or one of my friends, but I can't really be bothered. I guess I'm not in a massively chatty mood today.

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