37: Family Issues

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Scott POV

We continue walking hand in hand until we reach the cliff in the woods that overlooks all of Beacon Hills. We stand there and watch as the sun fades completely and the sky goes black, the stars shining above us, as does the moon. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Stiles sighs happily as he looks up at the sky. I turn to gaze over at him for a moment and smile softly.

"It's not as beautiful as you though." I remark. Stiles glances over at me for a second and then lightly punches me in the arm.

"Oh, shut up," Stiles tells me.

"Well, it's true." I chuckle. We then continue staring up at the stars, our hands interlocked.



"Do you... Do you think my mom is up there? Do you think she is watching over me from the stars?" Stiles asks in a quiet voice. I turn my head to look at him again to see Stiles already looking at me with a curious look in his eyes, but also a small frown. I take a moment to think about the question before answering, wanting to get my words right. "Yeah, yeah I do. I also think that she would be so incredibly proud of you and the man that you have become. I'm sure she loves you very much. She's always with you, Stiles. She's always looking out for you and she will never leave you." I reply with a soft smile. Stiles' eyes start filling up with tears as he smiles happily back at me.

"You really think so?" Stiles asks me.

"I know so. Our loved ones never truly leave us, Stiles. A part of them will always live on in our hearts. Allison still lives on in my heart, as I am sure she lives in your heart too." I reply in a quiet and gentle voice.

"Mom would have liked you, Scott. I know she would." Stiles tells me and I can feel my heart ache for a moment as I think about Stiles' mother, who I never got to meet. I really would have loved to meet her, but bad things happen, I guess.

"I haven't seen my mom since I was nine, but I know that she was so beautiful. I have that one photo of her in my locket of course, but it never is the same as really seeing her. My dad always seemed captivated by her. They were really in love, really happy." Stiles continues. I listen with fascination, since I haven't heard this side of Stiles' family life much before.

"Well, you definitely inherited her good looks. You take my breath away every time I see you." I tell Stiles quietly with a sweet smile. I don't know why we are both talking so quietly when we are alone out here, but it just feels right.

"Aww, well, shucks." Stiles replies in a flustered mumble, scratching the back of his neck. Even in this pale moonlight, I can see his cheeks flushing from my comment.

"I'm telling you the absolute truth. I love you so much and you make me so nervous, even if it doesn't seem like it." I continue as I hold up our hands for a moment and gently press a kiss to his. As I pull away, I see Stiles break out into a smile. "Well, I'm glad I'm not the only nervous one then, even after all this time." Stiles laughs happily.

"Me too." I agree with a chuckle. We then sit down on the edge of the cliff overlooking Beacon Hills, our home.

"They will always need us, won't they?" Stiles asks after a few moments of silence.

"What do you mean?" I turn to him in confusion.

"The town. They will always need us, the pack, to protect them." Stiles elaborates for me, our hands still intertwined together. I think about what Stiles said for a moment. "I guess so." I eventually reply. I still wonder how Stiles will have to eventually manage to be King and still find time to be here in Beacon Hills. Atlantia will need a leader. I'm not going to get in the way of that, no matter how much I love Stiles. Speaking of the merprince, he seemed to have read my mind. "I don't know how many times I have to say this, but I'm not leaving this place. I'm not leaving you. Okay? Even when I'm King, I will make the time to be here. I promise." Stiles tells me in a firm voice.

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