20: Natalie Knows the Truth

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Stiles POV

Half an hour later, I pull up to the hospital. I cut off the engine and jump out of the car. Along with Scott and Liam, we rush towards the front entrance. Lydia hurries up beside us. We enter the building and walk towards the front desk. I see Scott's mom talking to another nurse typing away at a computer. "Mom!" Scott calls out. Melissa spins around immediately. As she sees the four of us walking towards her, Melissa tells her co-worker that she'll be back in a moment before she walks over to us. "Scott, what the hell happened tonight? Why am I getting reports of the Sheriff station getting attacked by some unknown creature?" Melissa asks in a hurry, her eyes widening.

"Uh, well, there was a kanima attack at the station." Scott begins quietly.

"The kanima is the one with the paralytic venom, right?" Melissa asks for clarification. Liam and Scott exchange a pained look before Scott answers his mom. "Yes, it is. Um, also, Lydia's mom knows about the supernatural now, including me." Scott eventually replies. Melissa raises an eyebrow slightly at her son.

"It's a long story. It's probably better not to ask." I tell Melissa, sensing Scott and Liam's unease about the whole situation. Melissa shrugs in dismissal. "Okay, but did you guys stop the kanima?" Melissa asks curiously.

"We didn't have to." Lydia answers in a sad tone. Melissa seems to get the point.

"Oh... Well, come with me then. I am sure that you are here to see Natalie." Melissa says before turning around and walking down a corridor. Scott, Liam, Lydia and I follow quickly in pursuit. We turn a lot of corners and take the lift to the fourth floor. Once we step out of the lift, Melissa guides us towards what I assume must be Natalie's hospital room. I guess they must have treated her injuries already, which is good. The sooner she heals, the better. I wonder how we are going to explain the temporary paralysis. Eh, I'm sure Melissa will come up with something. Eventually, Melissa stops by a door. "Don't be too long, okay? Technically it is supposed to be family only at this point, but given the situation, I'll let it slide and cover for you." Melissa informs us. We nod in understanding.

"Thank, Mom. We appreciate it." Scott says gratefully.

"No problem. Now go." Melissa replies before quickly opening the door for us. One by one, we all file into the room. Since I'm the last one entering the room, I carefully shut the door behind me. The four of us walk towards Natalie's bedside, the heart monitor beating steadily. Lydia sits on the end of the bed and takes her mom's hand. "Hey sweetie." Natalie greets her daughter with a smile. Scott, Liam and I stand a little further back from the bed. "Hi Mom. How are you feeling?" Lydia answers, her voice remaining steady, but I know Lydia. I can tell she's doing all she can to remain strong for her mom. "Good, I think. The doctors and nurses here are great at their jobs. They've stitched up the wounds and they don't hurt anymore, but that might be partly because of the painkillers. It also helps that I can finally move again. I never realised that being paralyzed would be that bad." Natalie answers.

"We're glad to see that you're okay." I speak up. Natalie looks over to me. I can see curiosity, surprise and the slightest bit of fear in her eyes. She glances from me to Scott, to Liam and then back to me again. "So... You're a merman." Natalie begins a little nervously. "Yeah, I am. Merpeople are friendly, I promise." I reply with a friendly smile.

"I can fully agree to that statement." Scott adds as he takes my hand and squeezes it comfortingly. I gently squeeze his hand back. Lydia's mom nods slowly, trying to process all the information. I'm sure it is a lot for her to take in. I wonder how she feels about her daughter being a banshee?  Natalie then glances between Scott and Liam. "What about these two? They're werewolves. They have claws and fangs! Do they go crazy on full moons?" She asks with a frown.

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