40: Better Understanding

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Scott POV

It has been a month since my dad arrived back in Beacon Hills. It doesn't look like he is going anywhere soon. He is determined to spend time with me, almost as if he is trying to make up for all those years. I can let him know right now that won't ever happen, but at least I'm spending some time with my dad now. I'm finally starting to get to know my father. However, it has also been a month since Stiles found out that his dad arranged a marriage for him and that the agreement can't be broken, not unless they want a war on their hands. Stiles said that his dad thinks that he would have to be married not long after graduation, which breaks both of our hearts. We both desperately don't want that to happen. I have promised Stiles many times that it will be okay and that I will always be with him and that I will always love him, no matter what happens. Stiles has spent a lot of time crying into my shoulder. I've tried to keep my pain internal. I don't want Stiles to feel even worse. I have to remain strong for the two of us, even if I feel helpless. I do know that we will get through whatever this is, but how we are going to do that, I'm still not sure yet. I feel like we might be running out of time as graduation looms nearer. I know it's still several months away, but still, it makes me start dreading graduation.

Stiles and his dad haven't been on very good terms because of this. According to Kara, there are a lot of awkward silences at the Stilinski household. Quite a number of arguments and slamming doors too. Sometimes, Kara can't handle it, so she'll leave and spend a couple nights at Isaac's house to get away from it all. Other times, Stiles sleeps over at my house, wanting me to hold him in his arms, making him feel safe. I don't have a problem with that, of course. I feel safer when Stiles is with me as well. We decided to tell the pack about the sticky situation. They were all shocked and didn't know what to say. I also told my Mom one night when Stiles was in the bathroom, since she had noticed him acting down. I think Mom was the most horrified about the situation. She gave both Stiles and I the biggest hugs and promised that things have a way of working out well in the end. I really hope that she is right.

Other than that, life seems okay. School isn't as hard as I thought it would be at this point of the year, especially considering I missed a few weeks of school because of my time as a siren. I think all the extra study with Lydia and Kira worked. I'm actually coping with AP Biology, which is a rarity for me. Usually, I don't understand what is going on in that class or I just get really bad test results when I thought I had done well. That's always the worst feeling when you fail something that you thought you at least managed to pass, especially if the subject will help you with the career you want. Stiles was there to comfort me when I got those bad results, of course. I was once again reminded how damn lucky I am to have Stiles in my life. It just reconfirms the fact that I don't want to lose him. Ever.

On this particular Tuesday evening, I'm sitting on the sofa at home, flicking through the TV channels. Dad is supposed to be coming over for dinner tonight. Mom is in the kitchen cooking it. I lie back on the sofa, glancing at each channel in boredom. There doesn't seem to be anything interesting on. Besides, I don't actually like that many TV shows, I've come to notice. Or maybe I haven't found anything good. I finally land on a channel which is playing a rerun of The Walking Dead. I've never seen the show before, but I've heard good things about it from Isaac, Liam and Stiles, so I decide to watch this as I wait for dinner.

Half an hour goes by and Dad still isn't here. I frown slightly in worry. He should be here by now. I can hear Mom setting the table and the smell of delicious food wafts into the living room. I inhale deeply and sigh happily, enjoying the smell of Mom's casserole. I grab my phone and unlock it, checking for any new messages, but more specifically, messages from my dad. There aren't any. I start wondering if Dad finally decided to walk out, but for some reason, I don't think that is the case. I hum quietly, trying to decide what to do. I stand up and walk into the dining room to see Mom placing cutlery on the table she turns to see me as I enter.

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