73: Disenchanted

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Scott POV

Hours have past, but no one has come by to visit yet. I close my eyes for a moment, letting memories of Stiles and I flash through my mind. I smile happily at the memories. Lydia and Kara are right. What Stiles and I have is real and very special. So I'm going to keep fighting for it. I'll fight until the end. Thalassa is going to really pay for what she's done. She has hurt my true love, she betrayed John and she's manipulating her own daughter. How awful is that? I'll feel sorry for Moselle when she wakes up and realizes that her mother was behind all of this. Suddenly, I hear a whimpering noise that snaps me back to my senses. I open my eyes and look over to Stiles. His eyes are closed and he's stopped struggling against the restraints. He looks like he's in a lot of pain. I quickly get to my feet, finally having enough of this. The least I can do is take some of Stiles' pain. I should've thought of this before. Well, if I did try this before though, Stiles might have tried to kick me in the face or something. At least now he looks a little more calm. I kneel down beside the merprince and look sadly at the tears running down his handsome face. I wish he didn't have to cry. I wish he didn't have to be in pain. It makes me feel sad when I see him cry. It makes me feel like I'm in agony when I see Stiles suffering through the pain. I hesitantly reach out and touch Stiles' arm. He stiffens at the touch and opens his eyes and looks at me. The black veins in my arms appear as I take away some of the pain. I grunt in the effort to take the pain away. God, this is only a fraction of what Stiles is feeling. I can't imagine how much it really does burn. Stiles' crying and wimpering stops as his pain lessens dramatically. I stare into his beautiful brown eyes for a few moments. I stop taking Stiles' pain, but I continue to squeeze his arm gently.

"Come back to me, Stiles. I'm not giving up on you, just like you never gave up on me. I'm always going to fight for you." I tell Stiles in a quiet voice. He doesn't respond in any way. He just looks at me blankly. "Please wake up, Stiles. I need you. I love you." I plead before leaning in and kissing Stiles gently on the forehead. As I pull away, I look hopefully at Stiles to see any sort of reaction. I listen to his heartbeat too. Nothing changes. His heart rate stays the same and his expression is still blank. I sigh in disappointment. Maybe it's best if I left the room now. I think my heart needs a break from all of this pain. I've been in here for hours and nothing has changed. Maybe someone else can keep an eye on Stiles for a while. Being in here with him is hurting me too much; a lot more than I thought it would. I close my eyes as a tear rolls down my cheek. I turn around and start to slowly move away from Stiles. My hand runs down his arm and brushes over Stiles' hand. As my hand starts to move away, I feel something grip gently onto my wrist. My eyes snap open in an instant. I turn around quickly to see Stiles staring at me and holding onto my wrist, not wanting me to go. His eyes fill with a huge range of emotions including fear, guilt, confusion and sadness before his eyes spill over with more tears. My heart misses a beat. I quickly shuffle over to Stiles again, my hope rising up inside of me. I let my hand slip out of Stiles' grip and then I quickly, but gently, pull the duct tape away from Stiles' mouth. He gasps for breath as he continues to look at me with tears running down his face.

"Sc-Scotty?" Stiles stammers in a small, confused, dazed and groggy voice.

"Stiles? I-is that you? I mean, really you?" I ask uncertainly. I have to be sure before I can feel any relief or happiness. "Y-yes, it's really me. I'm so sorry, Scott! I'm so, so sorry. I-I remember everything I said and did to you. I hate it so much! It was so awful and wrong!" Stiles says shakily as he tries to hold back his sobs. I quickly move forward and crush Stiles into a hug, more tears forming in my own eyes. I never want to let go of him again. It feels so good to have him back. I feel his body shake as he sobs quietly into my shoulder. "I didn't mean anything I told you Scott, not one word of it, I promise! I love you and only you." Stiles explains to me as he looks into my eyes. I look down into his tear stained face. "I know." I tell him with a reassuring smile as I wipe his tears away from his face. I pull Stiles back into a hug, both of us so relieved to be in each other's arms again.

Forever and Always (Sciles)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon