14: Making Out

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Stiles POV

I walk into my house, Scott following behind me. We see Kara in the living room, reading a book. She turns around when she sees us. "Oh, hey Scott, hey Stiles! How was lacrosse practice?" She asks the two of us cheerfully.

"Tiring as usual. Oh, and it seemed that Coach really had it in for me today. He still has a grudge on me ditching training once last year when it was raining. Well, Coach, I'm sorry that I don't want to grow a tail out on the lacrosse field for everyone to see." I laugh, adding a little sarcasm into the comment. Kara rolls her eyes at me with a smirk on her face while Scott chuckles. "I remember that day. I remember being really worried about you, having no idea why you were so afraid and ran off so quickly." Scott comments, eyes glazing over slightly as he thinks about the memory.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to worry you." I tell him.

"You don't have anything to be sorry about, Stiles. It's fine." Scott assures me.

"I wonder how things would have turned out if you had found out about me sooner?" I ponder out loud.

"Hmm, I don't know. I would have been able to protect you more and help keep your secret, that's for sure. Maybe I could've stopped Daniel from going after you." Scott answers, folding his arms as he tries to think.

"What if you found out before you became a werewolf? You would have totally freaked out. Hell, you did freak out when you realized merpeople were real after all when you saw Kara lying on the beach that day." I snicker. I notice a blush creep up onto Scott's face. His eyes dart to the floor to the moment out of embarrassment. "Yeah, you're probably right about that." He mumbles. I chuckle and pat him comfortingly on the shoulder.

"It's alright, Scott. Freaking out to something such as me being a fish is a totally normal reaction, especially if you're not a werewolf." I tell him. Scott's eyes snap back to me at that comment. He grabs onto my hand that is on his shoulder and then pulls both our hands down to his side where he squeezes my hand comfortingly. "Hey, you're not a fish, okay? You're a merman. There's a difference. Besides, no matter what species you are, you'll always be Stiles Stilinski, which is all that really matters to me. I love you for who you are, not what you are." He says gently to me with an affectionate tone. I can feel myself start to blush this time. I'm about to respond when Kara cuts in.

"Ugh, guys, please. I can see where this is heading. I'm trying to read here. Can you take this somewhere else?" Kara raises an eyebrow. Scott and I exchange a guilty smile and a chuckle before the twofold us turn back to Kira, but our hands are still interlocked. "Sure, we'll go up to my room so we don't disturb you. What are you reading anyway?" I try to get a better a glance of the book Kara is reading. "It's called 'To Kill A Mockingbird' by Harper Lee. Apparently it's a huge thing in literature here. I saw it in the library at school the other day, so I decided to borrow it and give it a read. I'm really enjoying it so far, though I must confess it took me a few tries to start the book. I was confused about the time which the story was set in and how old the main character narrating the story is, but I got there in the end. Scout's age changes throughout the book, seen through the different language styles." Kara informs us, holding up the book.

"Nice. I have no interest in reading it though. Have fun with that. If you need anything, just call out, okay?" I tell her. The mermaid nods in response. With that, I walk out of the room and lead Scott up the stairs to my bedroom in a hurry. Once we're both in the room, I close the door behind us. I drop my bags down in the floor, as does Scott. "You ever wanted to read 'To Kill A Mockingbird'?" I ask my boyfriend curiously.

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