65: Convincing Scott

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Kara POV

I'm still standing in the corner of the living room, frozen in shock and horror, my eyes widening in horror and tears starting to form in my eyes. I can't believe what I just saw and heard! My heart feels like it is in my throat and the world around me seems to spin. The voice of Thalassa echoes around in my head. The love potion is working perfectly, Aberdeen. Thank you so much for your help. Stiles and Moselle are hopelessly and madly infatuated with each other. They can't think about anything or anyone else other than each other. They've forgotten everything and everyone that was important to them and why they didn't want to get married. There's no way that the wedding will be called off now. Soon, I'll be able take Stiles' and Moselle's power and rule both of the kingdoms! Then I can go a few steps further and conquer all of the ocean! Everyone will bow down to me! Nothing is going to get in my way!

I watch as Thalassa, her guards and that guy Aberdeen move into the kitchen for a drink of celebration or something. I'm still too shocked to move, tears rolling down my cheeks and my whole body feels numb. I can't believe that all of this is happening! Oh god, what do I do? I look around the room for a few moments, still invisible. I let my hand drop from my mouth and I take a deep to calm myself down. I really should use this time to get the hell out of here before Thalassa and the others come back. This is my only chance of escape, really. Quietly, I start to walk out of the living room and back into the hallway. I rush towards the front door and quickly open it. Thankfully, it doesn't make much noise. Once I gently close the door behind me, I take off running down the hall.

I continue to run down the hallway and down the stairs, my breathing short and rapid. I knew something was up! I knew something wasn't right here! I just didn't know it was going to be this bad. I have no idea what I'm going to do this. I can't believe that Thalassa is horrible enough to put Stiles and her own daughter under a strong love spell of sorts. I'm glad no one saw me in there though. One of the perks of having the power of invisibility. Thankfully no one seems to hear me running down the hall to escape the apartment building either.

After another minute of frantic running, I finally make it out of the building. I almost collapse onto the ground, gasping for breath and my knees almost give out. Ugh, stupid leg pains. I still hate legs as much as I did when I first arrived on land. I grit my teeth in order to take my focus away from the pain in my legs. It feels like the bones are snapping, but I can't think about that now. I have to get out of here before someone sees me. Once I've got my breath back, I continue sprinting away from the apartment building. I can't let Thalassa or her minions get away with their evil plan. I need to save Stiles and Moselle before it's too late. Stiles was my first friend on land; I care about him a lot and he cares a lot about me. He's like a brother to me. I can't let him be brainwashed! How does Thalassa plan on stealing their power anyway? By killing them?! I really hope not! Either way, I need to tell someone about all of this. I need to tell Scott! Even though my lungs burn and my legs continue to ache, I run back towards the main part of Beacon Hills, desperately wanting to get to Scott's house as fast as possible.


After about half an hour of running, I fall forwards onto the front outside wall of Scott's house, gasping heavily. I feel like I'm dying, but I don't care. Scott needs to know about Thalassa. I don't really know who else to turn to about this. Besides, I've just found proof that Stiles' feelings for Moselle aren't real and that he still does love Scott. It's just that he is being manipulated and controlled to love Moselle. Yeah, that sounds really bad.

After another few moments of recovery, I finally rush to the front door. I knock quickly and urgently, hoping that Scott's home. His motorbike's here, so that's a good sign. My heart hammers against my chest as my anxiety continues to rise, even though I'm not sure how that is possible. After what feels like forever but is probably only several seconds, Scott opens the door.

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