64: Kara the Detective

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Scott POV

Once again, everything feels just numb and distant. I don't know how to feel about anything. All I can feel is this overwhelming emptiness. It sucks, but I don't really know what to do about it. I just really miss Stiles and I still love him just as much as ever, even though I really don't want to. It feels like there is a part of me missing. I'm still surprised at how quickly Stiles' attitude towards me changed... Or maybe it has been an act for a while now and only now did he decide to act upon it? I think that would be the more painful option, if I'm honest with myself. I just miss everything about Stiles. I miss his amazing laugh, I miss his contagious smile, I miss his gorgeous honey brown eyes, I miss his cute little moles, I miss his sarcastic comments and silly jokes, I miss his hugs, I miss his kisses and so on. What would I give just for him to hold me in his arms again, or vice versa? I sigh sadly to myself, feeling defeated and hopeless. I know that it can't happen. He's with Moselle now. I can't get him back. I hope he has a nice life with her, has a family with her, rule over both of their kingdoms together happily.

I finally decide to get off my bed and stop moping around... For now. I grab some pajamas and walk out of my messy room, clothes and junk strewn everywhere. I really should clean up, but I have no motivation to. It's not like I'm going to have anyone over in my room. I doubt I'll even have anyone here for quite a while yet. My friends have called me and asked if I'm okay, which I do appreciate, but I also think that I just need some time alone for now, just to try and get over everything. I don't want to be that hopeless sap that will never stop crying about their ex, but unfortunately, I feel like I might end up like that. I groan a little in annoyance. I still think the universe has something against me.

I continue walking down the hall until I reach the bathroom. I step inside and close and lock the door behind me. I sigh heavily as I place my pajamas over the side of the bath and then I start to quickly undress. I then make my way over to the shower and turn on the water. I wait a few moments for the water to reach the right temperature. I  then step into the shower and I make a small noise of relief as the hot water runs down my back. Somehow, it allows me to release all of the built up tension that I had been holding on to as the steam billows around me. I close my eyes happily and just stand there, letting the hot water run down me for a few moments, allowing my mind to go blank, not thinking or worrying about anything. It's a nice, refreshing feeling.

I run my hands through my wet hair for a moment before I pick up the soap and start washing myself, still enjoying the hot water. It's relaxing me immensely. Maybe I'll actually be able to sleep peacefully tonight? That'd be awesome. Eventually, I'm finished with the soap and place it back down again and I start rinsing my body off, the water trickling down me like a waterfall. I close my eyes for a few moments as I let the water hit my face. I listen to the sound of the running water and take in the smell of the sweet smell of the soap.

Suddenly, I feel someone's hand on my shoulder, causing me my heart to jump slightly, but I don't turn around or move yet. I wait for them to say or do something first. Another hand goes to my side and slides up and down, from my waist up to my ribcage and back again. The hand that was on my shoulder now wraps around my stomach and pulls me close to them and now I'm pressed up against them. I sigh happily as they start softly kissing my neck, their hands exploring my body as I do so. I keep my eyes closed, feeling peaceful and happy hear in his arms. He starts sucking down and biting my neck a little harder, leaving nice purple marks that will fade faster than normal, since I'm a werewolf. I still enjoy the feeling though and there is a light smile on my face as the water continues to fall down on us.

Slowly, I turn around and open my eyes to see him standing there, still holding me closely, gazing at me lovingly and also looks like he wants to kiss me. I place my hands on his waist and pull him closer to me. My hands then start travelling up his back as I lean in closer and our lips collider together in a kiss. I close my eyes happily as I enjoy the moment, the kiss sweet and loving, all of our movements careful and gentle. My hands move to caress his face as we continue to kiss passionately, not caring about the water pouring down us, or about the steam that is surrounding us. I feel his hands clenching onto my biceps tightly for a second before moving his hands again to another part of my arm. I smile into the kiss, still enjoying every moment.

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