49: Father and Son

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Scott POV

A little while later, my mom walks up to Stiles and I with what looks to be optimistic expression. My heart beats hopefully and I look up to my mom for news. Stiles does the same, not letting go of my hand. "How is he?" I ask quickly. Mom considers the question for a moment. "He's doing okay. He's conscious and we've got him stable, so that's good." Mom informs us. I hear Stiles breathe a sigh of relief, but I can't help but feel Mom is withholding information from us, like she isn't saying the full truth. "And? Is there anything else?" I ask nervously, fearing what Mom might say. She sighs and looks down at her feet for a moment.

"He has a bad heart condition, Scott. Runs in his side of the family. It doesn't look too good, especially with his high blood pressure. There are also some other possible concerns, but he would need to be tested and scanned for those, which we haven't done just yet and probably won't do it for a few days at the least. He's still recovering from that episode in the station this evening." Mom informs me. A wave of shock hits me like a brick. I know I asked for it, but wow, that impact is strong. I don't even know what to say. I can't even believe that this is happening.

"At least he's recovering from that," Stiles looks at the positives. I nod in agreement.

"That's right. He's still pretty weak at the moment, but if you want to see him Scott, you can. I know he wants to see you. He's in room 245." Mom tells me with a sad smile before walking off, leaving Stiles and I alone again. I turn to my boyfriend.

"You want to come with me or wait here?" I ask him curiously. I don't want to force him into either option.

"I'll go with you. You might need the support. I know I would if our roles were reversed." Stiles tells me with a soft smile, squeezing my hand gently. I smile gratefully back at him. "Thanks, Stiles." With that, the two of us get up and start walking down the hospital corridors and use the elevator to get to the next floor, much to Stiles' discomfort. "I still hate hospitals and elevators," Stiles grumbles as we enter the elevator.

"I know, Stiles. I know." I chuckle slightly and shake my head. I press the button for the second floor and I watch as the elevator doors slowly close. It takes a few moments for the elevator to start moving upwards. I hear Stiles breathe a sigh of relief when I hear a clear ding and the doors open. We step onto the second floor of the hospital and start searching for room 245. Eventually, we come across the room and we slow to a stop. I take a shaky breath, now very nervous and scared all of a sudden. I have no idea what to expect on the other side of the door.

"Hey," Stiles begins, squeezing my hand comfortingly. I turn to look at him curiously. Stiles gives me a reassuring smile.

"It's going to be okay, Scott. I'll be right here beside you." Stiles promises me. I can't help but smile back in return.

"Thanks, Stiles. I really appreciate it. I love you." I tell him honestly.

"I love you too, Scott." Stiles replies, a slight blush creeping onto his face, which makes him look even more cute, if that were even possible. "Come on, let's go." Stiles suggests before pushing open the door and walks into the room with me trailing behind him. I quickly let go of his hand, as my dad doesn't know that we are together yet. I can smell a twinge of sadness coming off Stiles, but he tries his best to hide it. Great, now I feel guilty. All I want to do is envelope Stiles in a warm and comforting hug and never let go, but I know I can't do that. Too late now. I'm already in the room and sitting down in a chair next to Stiles, looking over at my dad who is lying down on the bed. I can hear his heart monitor beating steadily along with his actual heart. I suck in a deep breath, trying to not let my emotions consume me.

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