31: A Friendship Fractured

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Stiles POV

The next couple of weeks pass by quickly, but also painfully. I'm dreading the next full moon, which inevitably makes time seemingly speed up. However, it is still incredibly painful to see Scott going around the school, causing so much chaos...and loving it. Sometimes he will turn to me and smirk evilly, crushing me even more. I'm glad he hasn't decided to visit his mom. That would be a disaster. I decided that it would be best for her to not know that her son has returned to Beacon Hills. Everyone else agreed with me on that point. We have all been doing our best to cover it up. I don't want to see Melissa more heartbroken than she already is. As for Tristan, I've hardly seen him around. Apparently Macy has though. I found her in an empty classroom, crying. I tried to comfort her and ask her what's wrong, and she told me that she had ran into her brother. I guess it wasn't a very pleasant conversation. The pack, Danny, Ethan and I have been trying to figure out who Tristan's next target is, but it's impossible to tell. It could be anyone. It could be one of the pack members and they wouldn't even know it. Argh, this whole situation is driving me insane. Sometimes, I think about how much easier it would be just to die. There wouldn't be anymore problems. I would just forever be asleep, with no more worries or fears in the world. That would be a nice change. It scares me a little to know that I'm starting to think that death would be a better option than living right now. My friends and family have been growing concerned about me as I've lost my appetite and hardly eat, I prefer to be alone most of the time, I've lost interest in pretty much everything and of course, I'm usually feeling really down and empty. If I'm not feeling down and empty, I have these really crazy mood swings. I could be completely fine one moment and then get super angry the next. Don't get me started on the nightmares. However, I promise to myself that I'm going to be okay. Somehow, I will be okay. I will find a way out of this. I can't give up. I have to stay alive and keep fighting for everyone I care about and love. I can't let Tristan win.

Finally, the day of the full moon has arrived. I wake up early this morning, a bad feeling settling into my stomach. I take a deep breath to calm myself. I have to focus today. I have to find out who Tristan plans on turning into a siren next. I get out of bed and quickly get dressed for the day. As I exit my room and head down the stairs to get myself some breakfast (I know I'll need the energy today), I can hear Kara talking to someone on the phone. By some of the phrases she uses, I am going to assume that she is talking to Isaac. I chuckle and roll my eyes a little. I have to admit, Isaac and Kara are adorable together. Kara still gets a little flustered by PDA, but I can tell how much they really love each other. It's good to see that their relationship is still going strong, even through these dark times.

I make my way into the kitchen and start preparing two bowls of cereal. I don't think Kara has had breakfast yet, so I guess she'll appreciate the gesture. I walk over to the fridge and grab the milk out. I walk back towards the bench and pour milk into both bowls, over the cereal. I know that there is some people that like the milk in before the cereal, but I just don't get that. It's weird. It tastes weird too. Once the bowls have got enough milk, I screw the lid back on the carton and return it to the fridge.

"Morning, Stiles." Kara says happily from behind me. I turn around to see the mermaid walking into the kitchen, still in her pajamas. Her hair is still quite messy as well. I know Kara would disagree, but I think she looks quite cute in the mornings like this. "Morning, Kara. How's Isaac?" I grin at her. She looks at me with surprise and her mouth drops open for a moment. "H-how did you know that I was-"

"Please. It was so obvious. You're about as subtle as me when it comes to Scott, so... Yeah, you're not subtle at all, basically." I smirk at my friend while she blushes profusely.

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