27: Scott the Siren

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Stiles POV

Everything starts to crash down on me and I'm overwhelmed by sadness. Memories of Scott and I together, laughing, kissing and having a good time flash through my mind. "No!" I scream out again, my voice breaking slightly. I start storming towards Tristan, despite Macy and Kara's protests. "Let him go!" I demand angrily as hot tears stream down my face. Tristan finishes kissing Scott and looks up to see me walking towards him. Tristan just laughs as he holds the limp Scott in his arms. "Okay then." Tristan agrees and drops Scott to the ground, stepping backwards. I gasp in horror and rush over to Scott, kneeling down by his side. My heart shatters as I see Scott unconscious, his body very pale and seemingly lifeless. I can barely hear his breathing.

"No..." I whisper as I reach out and grab Scott's hand in mine. It's ice cold.

"This can't be happening." I continue to whisper, forgetting about everyone else here, my eyes focused on Scott's pale face. He looks like death and it hurts me so much to see him look like this. Tears start forming in my eyes and I can feel a sob building up inside of me. "I'm so sorry. I should have been here." I say in a heartbroken tone as I squeeze Scott's hand tightly, trying to reassure him that I'm here now.

I suddenly hear a yelp of surprise, so I look up to see Macy using her powers to pin her brother up against a tree before he can do anything else. Kara scrambles out of the way, standing in the middle of the clearing. "You know that the Kiss of Death is illegal for us to use, brother. It is punishable by death in the most extreme cases." Macy hisses at Tristan in disgust.

"Funny that sirens have rules at all, considering they are fine with luring humans to their deaths." Kara scoffs.

"Most of them are fine with that. I'm one of the few that are not." Macy replies. I look back down at Scott and try to shake him awake. "Come on, Scott. Please. Wake up. Wake up!" I say desperately, but Scott remains unresponsive, his skin only seeming to grow colder. "Scotty, please don't leave me. I need you. Just wake up! Please!" I try again as the tears pour rapidly down my face, my vision now blurred by my tears. "Scott!" I scream out as a last resort, but once again, nothing happens. Scott can't hear me. I whimper in despair and then start sobbing into my boyfriend's chest, barely able to listen to his faint heartbeat.

I can hear Tristan laughing at me, so I glance up a little to gaze over at him angrily. Tristan looks down at me with a smirk. "There's no use trying to wake him up, Stiles. He's in transition. By the time that the moon reaches its highest peak, Scott will wake up as a siren." Tristan informs me. I kind of already knew that is what was happening, but hearing someone confirm it for me only makes it a thousand times worse. I continue to cry and let out a few sobs, looking between Kara and Macy. They're both watching me sadly. Just like me, they can't believe that this has happened. Soon, I can't bear to look at them anymore so I bury my face in Scott's shirt, crying louder.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... This is all my fault... I'm so sorry... I should have protected you more... I shouldn't have left your side, Scott... I'm so sorry... I feel so stupid. I love you so much and I know that you loved me, but I failed you. I'm so sorry." I whisper shakily into Scott's shirt, my whole body trembling slightly. I just wish that this nightmare would end and that I would wake up in bed with a gasp, but Scott is right there beside me. Safe. However, I know that this is reality and I can't change that. I sob harder, my tears completely soaking the front of Scott's shirt.

"At last, I have won my first and most reliable solider!" Tristan laughs in victory. I squeeze my eyes tight shut and cling onto Scott more, my heart shattering into more pieces by Tristan's every word.

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