125: What's up with Kara?

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Third Person POV

Later that night, when Ben and Lydia have already left for their date, Stiles is lying on his bed in his bedroom and is on the phone to Scott, explaining to him about how Ben and Lydia's date came about in the first place. Well, at least Stiles is able to explain everything that he knows about the situation, anyway. He's sure that Ben wouldn't leave any important details out though.

"Wait, so you tried pulling Ben's leg by pretending that you weren't okay with him and Lydia being a thing? Why?" Scott asks for clarification, chuckling a little at his boyfriend's antics.

"Yeah, I did, and Ben totally fell for it too. Maybe a little too well. I guess I wanted to see how quickly Ben would believe that I might not potentially support him and think it's weird for him to be dating my former crush. It was kind of a funny idea, especially since I've been able to tell that Ben has liked her for ages, but didn't say anything to her or me due to his fear. As the joke wore on though, it definitely got less funny. But we're cool, like always. We've been great friends since we were little, and have always teased and pranked each other over stupid things like that. Anyway, Ben got over it quickly and I think he felt kinda silly for falling for it that fast." Stiles explains to Scott as he stares up at the ceiling, holding the phone to his ear.

"Well, that's good to hear then." Scott comments in response.

"I also helped him out and get ready for the date, so everything is all good. I told Ben that I think him and Lydia would make a great couple. A badass couple, even. I could totally imagine them sassing or showing up everyone else. I think the two bring out the best in each other, and I'm glad to see that they are both happy." Stiles adds, smiling widely and happily, even though only he can see it.

"Yeah, me too. I'm looking forward to hearing about their first date. I think first dates are always memorable." Scott nods in agreement as he sits down at his desk and opens up his AP Biology textbook. His intentions are to study tonight, but Stiles is both the best and worst distraction all at once, so Scott doubts much will get done at all. Oh well, it's the thought that counts.

"Remember our first date, Scotty? God, it honestly feels like such a long time ago now. It was almost a year." Stiles comments, surprised at how time has seemingly flown by. Stiles knows that him and Scott have both grown and developed so much since their first date, both as a couple and as individuals.

"How could I not? That was the most effort I had gone to for a first date with anyone, and I don't think that I'll be able to top that if I went on a first date with anyone else." Scott laughs in response.

"Are you suggesting that you'll be breaking up with me and see someone else?" Stiles raises an eyebrow slightly.

"No, of course not. We are engaged, remember? I think that's a big sign that I only want to spend the rest of my life with you. It was just a hypothetical situation. I'm just saying that know I would never find someone more amazing than you, and I wouldn't be able to give them an amazing first date like I did with you." Scott responds quickly.

"You're cute when you're flustered, you know that?" Stiles giggles into the phone, smiling mischievously.

"I was only teasing, Scott. I know that you love me and don't plan on being with anyone else. I feel the same way about you." Stiles adds in a slightly more serious voice.

"Thanks, Stiles." Scott replies, and without even seeing Scott's face, Stiles knows that he's smiling.

"You did plan a pretty awesome first date though. If you hadn't already completely and totally won me over, you definitely did then. Everything was just... Well, perfect. Yeah, you were worried about the holes in your memories and we had a slight argument about that on the way home, but that's a minor detail for what was overall an amazing night. Besides, we managed to figure out the reason behind the memory problem anyway." Stiles notes.

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